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Håvard Vibeto

Håvard Vibeto

Associate Professor

Phone number
+47 62 51 77 54
Mobile number
+47 97 73 60 55

Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies
Department of Game Development – The Game School
Campus Hamar, Room 2N3318

Short description

Håvard Vibeto is a graduate from the Lillehammer University College and NTNU. He wrote his Master's thesis on video game and film aesthetics titled "Gameplay - Coming to a Cinema near you! in 2006. He has worked at Lillehammer University College as a associate professor at TVF - Department of Television Education and Film Studies from 2006 to 2009. In 2009 he started working as a PhD student at Hedmark University College. His doctoral degree is called "The aesthetics of the video game. Audiovisual means as inputs to gaming experiences". He was employed as an associate professor in 2015. He has taught a number of topics related to film, video games and digital media on several undergraduate and master's degrees at Lillehammer and Hamar.

Areas of Expertise: 

Håvard Vibeto is both a film scholar and a game researcher who is primarily concerned with aesthetics and how this forms the experiential dimension of media use. He is interested in game design, user interfaces, film and video game aesthetics, game experiences, gameplay, VR and storytelling. In particular, it is the disciplines of gamestudies and filmstudies that he works with on a daily basis, both in research and teaching. But in recent years he has also worked with digital literacy and learning, particularly in connection with digital media and video games in Norwegian schools. He is also interested in digital aesthetics and Internet culture associated with viral videos, mashup, remix videos and memes.

He is a part of the project CERiTE and «Virtual Reality (VR) as a facilitator for participation in society among persons with mental health or substance use disorders». which is funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR)



Visiting Address

Holsetgata 22, N-2317 Hamar
Room 2N3318
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum