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Jonas Christoffer Berger

Jonas Christoffer Berger

PhD Candidate


Faculty of education
Department of Pedagogy
Campus Lillehammer, Room 1Ø5013

Short description

Jonas Christoffer Berger is a PhD-candidate in mediapedagogy at PROFF. He has a bachelors and masters degree from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. In addition to his work with the PhD-project he is a teacher in a course covering mediapedagogy and mediation at Campus Lillehammer. 

The working title for his PhD-project is "Digital culture, memes, and democracy and citizenship". The project seeks to understand the connection between digital culture and democracy and citizenship as an interdisciplinary subject in the norwegian school, specifically how digital cultural and aesthetic artefacts could contribute to learing in and for a democracy. Topics and fields of interest: 

  • Mediapedagogy
  • Digital culture and identity
  • Digital cultural and aesthetic artefacts (memes)
  • Sustainability

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Visiting Address

Vormstuguvegen 2, N-2624 Lillehammer
Room 1Ø5013
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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum