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Live W. Ellefsen

Live W. Ellefsen


Phone number
+47 62 51 76 97

Faculty of education
Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
Campus Hamar, Room 2K224

Short description

Live Weider Ellefsen is professor in the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, and holds a PhD in music education from The Norwegian Academy of Music (2014). Since 2018, she leads the department’s research group in Music Education and Cultural Studies. She also co-chairs the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (since 2022). Ellefsen’s main research interest has been to investigate music educational practices as arenas of subjectivation as well as negotiation of knowledge and power. In this, her theoretical and methodological approach include discourse theory, policy- and curriculum theory, gender studies, cultural theory and the sociology of music education. From 2018-2022 she was a member of DYNAMUS, The social dynamics of musical upbringing and schooling in the Norwegian welfare state (supported by the Norwegian Research Council). Ellefsen supervises students and teaches courses in music education, philosophy of science/methodology, cultural studies and performance on bachelor, master and PhD levels. She is also an active pianist and choral conductor.


2022: Ellefsen, L. W. Genre and genring in music education. Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education

2021: Ellefsen, L. W. Sjangring som musikkdidaktisk praksisNordic Research in Music Education

2021: Di Lorenzo Tillborg, A. & Ellefsen, L. W. Policy and leadership discourses in Sweden’s art and music schools: the inclusion of refugee children. Music Education Research

2021: Blix, H. & Ellefsen, L. W. On breaking the ‘citational chains of gender normativity’ in Norwegian art and music schools. IH. Blix, S. V. Onsrud og I. L. Vestad (red.), Gender Issues in Scandinavian Music Education: From Stereotypes to Multiple Possibilities. Routledge Publisher, ISME-series.

2019: Ellefsen, L. W. & Karlsen, S. Discourses of diversity in music education: The curriculum framework of the Norwegian Schools of Music and Performing Arts as a case. Research Studies in Music Education

2017: Ellefsen, L. W. Musikalsk kompetanse som ”Mangfold og fordypning”: Kunnskapsdiskurser i Rammeplan for kulturskolen. InFormation – Nordic Journal of Art and Research

2014: Ellefsen, L. W. Negotiating musicianship. The constitution of student subjectivities in and through discursive practices of musicianship in "Musikklinja". Oslo: NMH-publikasjoner (Doktorgradsavhandling)

2011: Dyndahl, P. & Ellefsen, L. W. Kulturteoretiske perspektiver på musikkdidaktisk forskning. I P. Dyndahl, T. O. Engen og L. Iversen (red.), Lærerutdanningsfag, forskning og forskerutdanning. Bidrag til kunnskapsområder i endring. Oplandske Bokforlag, 2011 ISBN 978-82-7518-195-2. s. 185-221

2009: Dyndahl, P. & Ellefsen, L. W. Music didactics as a multifaceted field of cultural didactic studies. I F. V. Nielsen, S-E. Holgersen & S. G. Nielsen (red.), Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook


Visiting Address

Elias Hofgaards Hus (Kontorbygget)
Holsetgata 31, N-2318 Hamar
Room 2K224
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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum