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Marit Elise Lyngstad

Marit Elise Lyngstad

Associate Professor

Phone number
+47 62 51 72 94
Mobile number
+47 97 76 69 63

Faculty of education
Department of English
Campus Hamar, Room 2C257-5

Short description

Marit Elise Lyngstad is Associate Professor of English. She has a Master's degree in English literature from NTNU (2012) and a PhD in English literature and didactics from the Teaching and Teacher Education program (PROFF) from HINN (2019). Her dissertation is called English teachers' choices and beliefs about literature in the Norwegian upper secondary classroom.

Lyngstad teaches in all of the study programs where English is involved: teacher training for Years 1-7 and 5-10 (MGLU/S), teacher training for Years 8-13 (lektor), the Master's program in culture, language, and didactics (MIKS), the year course in English, and in-service programs for English teachers (KfK and DEKOMP).

Lyngstad's research interests include the teaching of literature in the English subject, English-language literature for children and young adults, and speculative fiction (especially fantasy and dystopian literature). She is involved in a project with the working title "Literature, teacher education and climate change". Lyngstad is currently leading the research group Literature and Literacy.

Research groups


  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2024). Critical literacy and reading in the English subjects in lower secondary school. In Tverbakk, May Line Rotvik & Sommervold, Tove (Ed.), Tekster og lesere: Et nærmere blikk på ungdomstrinnet. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245043532. p. 163–178.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2021). Integrating competence and Bildung through dystopian literature: Teaching Malorie Blackman’s Noughts & Crosses and democracy and citizenship in the English subject. Utbildning & lärande. ISSN 2001-4554. 15(2), p. 11–26. Full text in Research Archive
  • Brevik, Lisbeth M. & Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2020). The role of literature in the English classroom . In Brevik, Lisbeth M. & Rindal, Ulrikke Elisabeth (Ed.), Teaching English in Norwegian classrooms: From research to practice. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215032283. p. 163–189.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2019). Utopian nature and dystopian culture: Ecocritical readings of Julie Bertagna's Exodus and Zenith. Utopian Studies. ISSN 1045-991X. 30(2), p. 238–251. doi: 10.5325/utopianstudies.30.2.0238.

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  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2024). Picturebooks in the climate-ready primary classroom: Preliminary findings and classroom suggestions.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2024). Creating space for developing environmental awareness by using picturebooks in the primary English classroom.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise & Sandhaug, Christina (2023). Literature, Teacher Education and the Climate-ready Classroom (L-TECC): A project in progress.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2023). Critical literacy, reading and literature in lower secondary English.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2023). Sustainability and humanity: What young readers can learn from Julie Bertagna’s Exodus. The Bottle Imp.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise & Kleppe, Sandra Lee (2022). Literature, teacher education and climate change.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2022). The importance of teaching beyond the Western literary canon.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2022). Memory and trauma in Cashore's Bitterblue.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2019). Bildung and literature in subject English.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2018). Lesingens verdi: Litteraturens rolle i engelskfaget.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2017). The Arctic Utopia in Julie Bertagna’s Exodus and Zenith.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2017). More than a piece in their Games: Music as a tool of agency and rebellion in contemporary young adult dystopian novels.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2015). The translator as a (failed) cultural interpreter: The Norwegian translation(s) of Zadie Smith's NW.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise (2014). Kamau Brathwaite og den karibiske søken etter frihet. RISS : magasin for studentar og tilsette ved Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitskap, Universitetet i Trondheim. ISSN 0806-5063.
  • Lyngstad, Marit Elise; Davies, Rebecca & Løfaldli, Eli (2012). Originality, Intertextuality and Subjective Reading: Cormac McCarthy's The Road as an appropriation of J.M. Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K. Norges Teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.

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Visiting Address

Alf Prøysens Hus (Hovedbygg fløy C – nyeste del)
Holsetgata 31, N-2318 Hamar
Room 2C257-5
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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum