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Marte Amundsen

Marte Amundsen

PhD Candidate

Phone number
+47 62 43 01 89

Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Section for Sports and Physical Education
Campus Elverum, Room 4R4149

Short description

Marte Amundsen is a doctoral candidate at the Health and Welfare-program studying health in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE). Amundsen teaches at the PETE program in practical and aesthetic subjects at HINN, campus Elverum. Amundsen holds a bachelor's degree in dance and pedagogy, a master's degree in educational science (Uio), and has several years of experience as a teacher in primary school.

As a member of the research group Teaching and Learning in Physical Education (TLPE), the goal is to contribute to the development and dissemination of knowledge that may apply within the field of PE and PETE. In the Ph.D. project 'Health in Physical Education Teacher Education,' Amundsen investigates how the concept of health is construed in PETE through a critical discourse analysis. The study is considered to be an important contribution to gaining knowledge about the concept of health within the field of sports science as well as the educational field, but also as a contribution that, along with other scientific approaches, can shed light to and challenge the concept of health within the complex area of health and welfare.


Visiting Address

Terningen Arena - Rotunden
Hamarveien 112, N-2406 Elverum
Room 4R4149
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum