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Marthe Maritsdatter Granlund

Marthe Maritsdatter Granlund

PhD Candidate

Mobile number
+47 41 12 19 12

Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Section for Mental Health and Rehabilitation
Campus Elverum, Room 4L3331

Short description

The working title of my doctoral project is: "The Stress Triple Among Employees in the Fire and Rescue Services in Innlandet County: Context, Coping, and Health. A Mixed Methods Study".

The overarching aim of the project is to investigate the stress triple (acute stress, moral stress, and accumulated everyday stress), their prevalence, short- and long-term health consequences, as well as the significance of organizational context (with particular emphasis on organizational culture and leadership).

Data are collected in two phases: 1) a qualitative phase involving interviews with employees in the fire and rescue services (conducted in the fall of 2023), which will result in a scientific article. 2) a quantitative phase that builds upon the qualitative phase and will be conducted as a digital survey tentatively in the fall of 2024. The findings from these data will result in two scientific articles. The project is planned to be completed by the spring of 2026.

The research area is multidisciplinary and is located at the intersection of trauma psychology, health science, and organizational theory. The project can be seen as an example of applied, business-related research and is expected to contribute to research, education, and knowledge for fire and rescue services and emergency preparedness organizations.

My academic background includes a bachelor's degree in social work, further education in mental stress and crisis management, and a master's degree in societal safety and crisis management. In addition, I have relevant work experience in personnel management from both the Norwegian Armed Forces and the Civil Defense, particularly related to personnel serving in international operations, their families, and veterans. I also have experience in crisis management from both the Norwegian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, and had a one-year engagement as a lecturer at Inland School of Business and Social Sciences for the bachelor programme in emergency preparedness and crisis management.

Research groups


Visiting Address

Terningen Arena - L-blokk
Hamarveien 112, N-2406 Elverum
Room 4L3331
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum