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Martin Hanssen

Martin Hanssen

PhD research fellow

Phone number
+47 61 28 81 06

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Business Administration- 6402
Campus Kongsvinger

Short description

Education and work experience

Martin Hanssen holds a master's degree in business administration, with major in marketing management from the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. He has a background in sales and holds a certificate of apprenticeship in sales from Kristiansand Katedralskole Gimle (KKG). During his academic journey, Martin has served as a research assistant, writing assistant, student guard for the library, and teaching assistant at INN University. He recently began his Ph.D. candidacy for CREDS, starting from October 1st, 2022.

Master thesis

Martin wrote his thesis within the topic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and Brand value in a B2B context. He collaborated with Schütz Nordic, located in Kongsvinger. Link to the Thesis.

Teaching experience

Martin has experience from teaching in marketing, where he previously was course responsible in Lillehammer.

Previous experience includes work as a writing assistant, where he assisted other students in academic writing, literature search and use of references. He has also worked as a teaching assistant, where he worked extensively with feedback on work requirements for students. Martin has also been an internal examiner in both Marketing and business administration.


Norwegian/ English

Area of interest in research

Circular economy, circular business models, marketing, service dominant-logic and digitalization.


Office location on the 3rd floor at Høgskolesenteret in Kongsvinger.

LinkedIn profile


Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum