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Smarter Greener Innovation (SGI)

The group - Smarter Greener Innovation - will focus the research on how to utilize the potential of smart green innovation of digital technologies, new strategies, business models, behaviors, and processes needed within organizations.

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Academic discipline:
Economy, management, and innovation
Illustrasjonsbilde. Foto: Colourbox
Photo: Colourbox

Central questions will evolve around how organizations reconfigure the competitive positions, offerings, and business logic in line with the creation of smart green innovations for sustainable growth. Innovation and change also often require a shift in consumers’ behavior.

What we research

The research group has built and will continue to build a network of academic staff and students. Smarter Greener Innovation will provide a forum to support the research process by providing an environment of peer support, research activities, and an internal and international network. 

More about the research group

The research group Smarter Greener Innovation is organized to serve as a forum for academic development and to build a competence center related to organizations, processes, and behaviors in terms of smart, digital, and green innovation. The research group’s perspective is often within the organization, and the level of analysis ranges mainly on the organizational level and individual level. The research group has built and will continue to build a network of academic staff and students. Smarter Greener Innovation will provide a forum to support the research process by providing an environment of peer support, research activities, and an internal and international network.

Connecting with industry and society

The goal is to foster research activities that benefit industry and society. Developing industry and social networks will enable the research group to connect and work more closely with externally funded research activities, such as joint research applications between SGI and the industry.

Connecting with students

Students can be seen as a great resource for the research group. The research group aims to act as an intermediatory between students and industry. Industry connections can help students with finding industry connections for their thesis. The research group will also conduct specific workshops for students to connect with industry and develop thesis ideas.

Externally funded research activities

With connections with international researchers and connecting strongly to industry, the research group’s goal is to send in several applications for external funding.