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Rolf Gunnar Findsrud

Rolf Gunnar Findsrud

Postdoctoral Fellow

CREDS - Center for Research on Digitalization and Sustainability

Phone number
+47 62 43 04 69
Mobile number
+47 95 72 99 15

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Business Administration- 6402
Campus Kongsvinger, Room 3Ø004

Short description

Rolf Findsrud is a postdoctoral fellow at CREDS, coming from a position as an associate professor at Innland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Before starting his phd, Findsrud was an entrepreneur in the shoe industry, and worked as a consultant for start-ups. Findsrud has a phd in innovation from Innland Norway University of Applied Sciences, and has a master of science in business administration with marketing from Buskerud University College. He has published in journals such as Marketing Theory and Journal of Value Creation on topics such as resource integration, motivation, service innovation, and agility in addition to several book chapters on service innovation and service dominant logic in higher education.

Rolf`s areas of expertise are service marketing, and more specifically different service logics, service innovation, resource integration, and value co-creation. Most of Findsrud's research has a psychological approach to understand behavior, and he is currently involved in research on the symbiosis between humans and digital technology and how these entities can cocreate sustainable service ecosystems and business models.


  • Findsrud, Rolf & Tronvoll, Bård (2022). Deep Learning in Higher Education: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective, Improving the Evaluation of Scholarly Work - The Application of Service Theory. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-17661-6. p. 131–149. doi: DOI:%2010.1007/978-3-031-17662-3_9.
  • Findsrud, Rolf (2020). An Agile Approach to Service Innovation: Creating Valuable Service Innovation with Agile Resource Integration. Journal of Creating Value. ISSN 2394-9643. p. 1–18. doi: 10.1177/2394964320961886. Full text in Research Archive
  • Findsrud, Rolf & Dehling, Sebastian (2019). Resource Integration Processes as a Microfoundation for Service Innovation. In Kristensson, Per; Magnusson, Peter & Witell, Lars (Ed.), Service Innovation for Sustainable Business: Stimulating, Realizing and Capturing the Value from Service Innovation. World Scientific. ISSN 978-981-3273-37-5. p. 95–116. doi: 10.1142/9789813273382_0006.
  • Findsrud, Rolf; Tronvoll, Bård & Edvardsson, Bo Åke (2018). Motivation: The missing driver for theorizing about resource integration. Marketing Theory. ISSN 1470-5931. 18(4), p. 493–519. doi: 10.1177/1470593118764590.
  • Findsrud, Rolf & Tronvoll, Bård (2017). Resource integration in value co-creation: Integrative framework from S-D logic and Motivation Theory. In Gummeson, Evert; Mele, Cristina & Polese, Francesco (Ed.), The 5th Naples forum on service. University of Naples, Federico II. ISSN 978-88-92667-57-0.
  • Findsrud, Rolf; Tronvoll, Bård & Edvardsson, Bo Åke (2016). Conceptualizing Resource Integration in Value Co-Creation Using Theories of Motivation. In Russo-Spena, Tiziana & Mele, Cristina (Ed.), What's ahead in service research: new perspectives for business and society: proceedings: 26th Annual RESER Conference 2016. University of Naples "Federico II". ISSN 979-12-200-1384-0.

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  • Kask, Johan & Findsrud, Rolf (2023). Exploring the Dark Side of Digital Transformation in Sustainability Transitions.
  • Vien, Bjørn Ronny; Tronvoll, Bård & Findsrud, Rolf (2023). Digital Servitization for a Circular Manufacturing Industry. In Vendrell-Herrero, Ferran & Vaillant, Yancy (Ed.), 10th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2023 - Barcelona). OmniaScience. ISSN 978-8412647556. p. 254–258. doi: https:/
  • Vien, Bjørn Ronny; Tronvoll, Bård & Findsrud, Rolf (2023). Digital Servitization for a Circular Manufacturing Industry.
  • Findsrud, Rolf; Sörhammar, David & Braathen, Petter (2023). Race with the machines: a service ecosystems perspective.
  • Findsrud, Rolf; Tronvoll, Bård & Vien, Bjørn Ronny (2023). Tjenesteinnovasjon og tjenestedominant logikk. In Hauge, Atle Jensen; Røhnebæk, Maria & Myklebø, Sigrid (Ed.), Innovasjon: En innføring. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202733599. p. 169–180.
  • Vien, Bjørn Ronny; Tronvoll, Bård & Findsrud, Rolf (2023). Digital servitization: decreasing usage of natural resources in service ecosystems.
  • Vien, Bjørn-Ronny; Tronvoll, Bård & Findsrud, Rolf (2022). Service ecosystem drivers impact on firms' decisions to pursue digital servitization.
  • Findsrud, Rolf & Tronvoll, Bård (2019). Measuring Resource integration and its impact on resource integration Performance .
  • Findsrud, Rolf; Tronvoll, Bård & Edvardsson, Bo Åke (2018). Informing Resource Integration in Service Dominant Logic with Motivation Theory.
  • Findsrud, Rolf (2017). Exploring differences in conscious and non-conscious resource integration in value co-creation.
  • Findsrud, Rolf & Tronvoll, Bård (2017). Resource integration in value co-creation: Integrative framework from S-D logic and Motivation Theory.
  • Findsrud, Rolf; Tronvoll, Bård & Edvardsson, Bo Åke (2016). Conceptualizing Resource Integration in Value Co-Creation Using Theories of Motivation.
  • Findsrud, Rolf; Aal, K. & Zafeiropoulou, Styliani (2016). Ecosystem analysis on social media.
  • Findsrud, Rolf (2020). Theorizing about resource integration : Studies of actors and service innovation in dynamic contexts. Høgskolen i Innlandet. ISSN 978-82-8380-218-4.

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Visiting Address

Hovedbygg Østre fløy
Telthusveien 12, N-2450 Rena
Room 3Ø004
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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum