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Archlove Takunda Tanyanyiwa

Archlove Takunda Tanyanyiwa

PhD Candidate

Phone number
+47 62 43 01 60

Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Secton for Child Portection, Social Work and Social Education
Campus Lillehammer

Short description

Takunda Archlove is a PHD Research Fellow in Health and Welfare from the Faculty of Social Work and Guidance at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is primarily part of the Co-creation in Research and Service Development research group and a member of the Critical Public Health Research Group. 

Summary of the PHD project

The overall aim of his PHD project is to explore how programs by voluntary and non-state institutions challenge or complement the existing public health and welfare services for migrant families/parents of children with special health and welfare needs in Norway. The background of the study is that children are at the center of the Norwegian welfare system and, those with health challenges such as physical and learning disabilities or mental health challenges require more support and collaboration. Migrant parents and their families (Migrants with caring responsibilities) are at risk of social exclusion due to the demands of providing care for their children while managing challenges they face as migrants. The research aims at exploring the experiences of migrants as carers and how they interact with available health and welfare services from both the voluntary sector and the public health and welfare support services in Norway. The project explores research methodologies in user participation, co-production and interdisciplinary collaboration. 

Areas of research interest

Health and welfare, public health and health promotion, global health partnerships and collaboration, youth and children, migration, user participation and interdisciplinary collaboration, qualitative research methods and methodologies. 

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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum