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Co-Creation in Research and Service Development

There are increasing demands and expectations today, both nationally and internationally, for multiple actors and stakeholders to have influence over and participate in the research process. This is especially true for recipients of health, social, and welfare services.

Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Academic discipline:
Health, sports and welfare
Tom Remi Kongsmo (left), Frank Jarle Bruun, and Hege Christin Nilsson in Storgata in Lillehammer, celebrating the release of the book 'Vi er medforskere!' (We Are Co-Researchers!

Tom Remi Kongsmo (left), Frank Jarle Bruun, and Hege Christin Nilsson in Storgata in Lillehammer, celebrating the release of the book 'Vi er medforskere!' (We Are Co-Researchers!)

Photo: Ole Martin Ringlund/HINN

The research group Co-Creation in Research and Service Development has been in operation since October 2017, with participation from various academic communities at the Faculty of Social and Health Sciences and Sagatun User-Driven Center (mental health).

The research group consists of both researchers from the university and individuals with user experiences. The research has been particularly focused on people with mental disorders and disabilities.

What we research

The research group has chosen to use the term "Co-Creation" as a heading. This is a term that is increasingly associated both internationally and nationally with research where academic researchers and other stakeholders collaborate in research projects, essentially co-producing the research.

More about the research group

The research group has been actively involved in various projects and project applications.

In the fall of 2021, four members organized a joint training program for researchers and co-researchers, with a total of 29 participants representing Sykehuset Innlandet HF, NAV-Gjøvik, Fontenehuset-Gjøvik, and Sagatun Recovery, in addition to researchers employed at HiNN.

The training program has been thoroughly evaluated, and the results of the evaluation have led to a research article accepted for publication in the Nordic Journal of Quality of Life and Sustainable Welfare Development.

Due to the pandemic, new courses have been postponed, but the next training program is scheduled for spring 2024.

In addition, the research group has been (or is currently) engaged in the following projects:

  1. "Making user participation work," funded by the Norwegian Research Council's program for health and care services (completed in 2019).
  2. "Rethinking work for people with IDD – employment inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities" (2018-2020), funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
  3. Erasmus+ project "Peer and Team Support in Mental Health" (capacity building for peer support workers in mental health services). HiNN is a project partner, financed by EU funds for the period 2022-2025.
  4. User experiences with the digitization of services in NAV. Evaluation project funded by NAV and HiNN (2019-2021).
  5. Evaluation of the user panel in Bydel Gamle Oslo. Evaluation project funded by the Oslo municipality (2021).
  6. "How can participation in evaluation and research projects promote inclusion and citizenship in a marginalized group?" (Ann-Mari Lofthus' postdoc project 2021-2024).
  7. "Evaluation of self-empowerment courses." A collaboration between Sagatun Recovery and HiNN. Self-funded for the period 2021-2024.
  8. "Experiences with Recovery College." A research collaboration between Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm) and HiNN. Self-funded by the participating actors for the period 2022-2024.

Additionally, Ole Petter Askheim and Jan Andersen were featured in a "book talk" at the library, Campus Lillehammer, on March 22, 2023, during the launch of the book "Brukermedvirkningens mange ansikter" ("The Many Faces of User Involvement"). Ole Petter Askheim (and others) launched the book "Grønt sosialt arbeid" ("Green Social Work") at Litteraturhuset in Oslo on November 6, 2023.

Sigrid Myklebø and co-editors were featured in a "book talk" at the library, Campus Lillehammer, on November 10, 2023, during the launch of the book "Innovasjon. En innføring" ("Innovation. An Introduction").

Conferences and events


Members of the group have affiliations with the following research networks:

  1. International Recovery and Citizenship Council (IRCC)

  2. Service User Involvement, affiliated with ESWRA (European Social Work Research Association)

  3. UK Participatory Research Network

  4. National Survivor User Network: A UK-based network for researchers with experiential knowledge in mental health.

  5. The European Community-based Mental Health Service Providers Network (EUCOMS): EUCOMS

  6. Organization "Intentional Peer Support" (IPS): Emphasizes trauma-informed care where professionals and individuals with lived experience establish relationships that support learning and growth for both parties.

  7. Establishment of a network for researchers with dual expertise (both academic and user background) in Europe: Currently represented by the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Norway.