Norwegian version of this page

Elite sports students

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences collaborates with Olympiatoppen so that elite athletes are able to study at the same time as focusing on their sporting ambitions.  

What does elite sports status mean?

As an elite sports student, you can have your programme of study adapted so that it is easier to combine with your sporting efforts. Such adaptation can involve: 

  • Extension of the course of study 
  • Individually adapted education plan 
  • Special examination arrangements 
  • Flexibility regarding compulsory activity 

In collaboration between the elite sports supervisor, the faculty and the student, a plan is put together that makes the implementation of the programme of study the best possible for you as an athlete. 

In addition to adaptations such as these, students with elite sports status have the same rights and obligations as other students and must satisfy the same academic requirements. 

Some studies involve a lot of supervised professional training or other compulsory activities that can be difficult to combine with elite sports. Please contact the elite sports supervisor if you have any questions about whether the programme of study you wish to take can be combined with your sports career. 

Biathlon athlete Filip Fjeld Andersen

Studies helped during a difficult period 

For a period of time, injuries and illness affected the sports career of Filip Fjeld Andersen. As a result, his studies became a welcome break. His goal is now to establish himself in the World Cup and complete his bachelor’s degree in the spring. 

Who can get elite sports student status?

Athletes applying for elite sport student status at INN University must be at a performance level that requires necessary travel and absence due to training sessions and national and/or international competitions. This level will normally correspond to national team level/international level of representation and top division games in team sports. The level may also apply to athletes belonging to talent groups or teams in the top category, organised in line with or as a supplement to national teams. In terms of performances, the athlete must perform regularly at a high national level. 

Olympiatoppen grants elite sports status based on its performance requirements within Olympiatoppen’s definitions of elite athletes and athletes of the future.  

Olympiatoppen’s definition of elite athletes and athletes of the future 

‘Current elite athlete’ or ‘elite athlete of the future’. 

  • As a ‘current elite athlete’, your training and preparation work is on a par with the best in the world, depending on the individual sport’s distinct character and prevalence. The work leads to regular performances at an internationally elite level. The sport is your main occupation. 
  • As an ‘elite athlete of the future’, you compete at varying age and performance levels with quality development through a long-term progress plan that will normally lead to an international level of elite sports.

Application procedure

  • Once you have accepted an offer of admission to a programme of study at INN University you can apply for elite sport student status.
  • You apply by completing the application form (Norwegian)
  • The application deadline is 1 September
  • The application will be sent to Olympiatoppen Innlandet, that will process the application in cooperation with Elite sports supervisor at INN University 

Documentation requirements

  • Confirmation from the sports or administrative manager of federations, teams or from Olympiatoppen regarding the need for adaptation 
  • You must also provide a description of your short- and long-term sports goals, training and competition plans 
  • The need for adaptation must be documented annually at the start of studies

Contact information

Contact person INN University

Kristian Brenden 
Elite sports supervisor at INN University 
+47 61 28 82 97 

Contact person Olympiatoppen Innlandet

Jostein Buraas 
+47 41 54 31 31