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Completion of the programme

The thesis is sent to the PhD programme coordinator at INN University. 

Submission of the thesis

It should normally take no more than five working months from submission until the public defence.

Read more about the submission of the thesis

Assessment of the thesis

Read more about assessment of the thesis

Read more about the appointment of the evaluation committee

Guide to the work of the evaluation committee

Printing of the thesis

After the evaluation committee and INN University have found your doctoral thesis worthy of defence, preparations for the trial lecture and public defence will begin.

Read more about the approved thesis

Trial lecture, public defence, and doctoral conferment

After the evaluation committee and INN University have found the doctoral thesis worthy of defence, the PhD candidate will face two doctoral examinations: trial lecture and public defence. 

Read more about trial lecture, public defence of the thesis, and doctoral conferment 

Completion grant

All PhD candidates at INN University who submit their dissertation on time can apply for a completion grant. A completion grant entails an offer of extended appointment after submission of the doctoral thesis. You can apply for a period of 3 to 9 months. During the grant period, you will be assigned research work at your faculty.

Read more about the completion grant

Last modified Feb. 9, 2023 11:16 AM