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Community-building pedagogical practices

The research group Community-building Pedagogical Practices is concerned with investigating, understanding and developing pedagogical practices

Faculty of Education
Academic discipline:
Upbringing and education
A group at a piano, a young man plays and two little girls sing. (Photo: Colourbox)
Photo: Colourbox

Pedagogical practices are encounters between subjects. Our research springs from an interest in how such meetings constitute, and contribute to creating, frameworks for individual and collective growth and thus to build community and society.

We investigate practices of different kinds and at different levels. Our aim is to contribute to knowledge about how institutions and activities can accommodate the whole person and the diverse community.

We meet regularly both digitally and on campus in Lillehammer. If you find any of our themes or projects interesting, feel free to contact us!

What we research

Our research projects ask questions such as: What contribution can schools make to children and young people's health and life skills? What constitutes good and comprehensive sexuality education? How can schools help prevent young people's alienation? What are the opportunities and barriers when it comes to achieving good cooperation across different professions and sectors? How can teaching facilitate students' development of academic skills? How can higher education facilitate transformative learning experiences? What characterizes microcultures where staff in higher education collaborate to develop teaching quality?

More about the research group

The members of the research group come from the former research group 'Children, young people and public health' and the participants in a project collaboration between teachers on the first-year study in pedagogy. The group has two main thematic tracks.

1. Children and young people, their relationships with peers, their development and quality of life.

2. Quality work and transformative teaching practices in higher education.

For both tracks it is assumed that the research is concerned with the whole person. Development, health and learning are linked, and this challenges fields of practice that work with children and young people, as well as higher education and research, to develop interdisciplinary understandings and practices. Our research is therefore rooted in a scientific view that highlights the importance of transdisciplinarity in work with knowledge production.


  1. Mælan, E.N. & Drugli, M.B. (2022). Gode relationer i dagtilbud. Dafolo forlag
  2. Mælan, E.N. & Drugli, M.B. (2022). Gode relasjoner i barnehagen. Gyldendal forlag.
  3. Nyhus, L. (2022). «Skoleutviklingens ontologi – hva skjer, kan og bør skje?» i Helstad, & Mausethagen, S. Skoleutvikling : i forskning, politikk og praksis (1. utgave.). Cappelen Damm akademisk.
  4. Riese, H., Hilt, L. T., & Abamosa, J. Y. (2023). The Migratory Experience: Challenging Inclusionary Measures. In E. J. Done (Ed.), International Perspectives on Exclusionary Pressures in Education: How Inclusion becomes Exclusion. Palgrave Macmillan.
  5. Riese, H., Søreide, G. E., & Hilt, L. T. (2022). How to frame standards and standardisation in education. In Educational Standardisation in a complex world (pp. 3-25). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  6. Hilt, L. T., & Riese, H. (2022). Mastering life through skills: risk prevention through "standards of the self" in health and life-skills education. In Educational Standardisation in a complex world (pp. 143-163). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  7. Riese, H., & Hilt, L. T. (2022). The Purpose of Education and the Future of Bildung. In Rethinking Education in Light of Global Challenges. Scandinavian Perspectives on Culture, Society and the Anthropocene. Routledge.
  8. Riese, H. (2022) Introduksjon: Aksjonsforskning, kunnskapssyn og politisk innramming. I: Ulvik, M., Riese, H., & Roness, D. (Eds.). (2022). Å forske på egen praksis. Aksjonsforskning og andre tilnærminger til profesjonell utvikling i utdanningsfeltet. Fagbokforlaget. 2. Utg.
  9. Riese, H., Hilt, L., & Søreide, G. E. (Eds.). (2022). Educational Standardisation in a complex world. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  10. Ulvik, M., Riese, H., & Roness, D. (Eds.). (2022). Å forske på egen praksis. Aksjonsforskning og andre tilnærminger til profesjonell utvikling i utdanningsfeltet. Fagbokforlaget. 2. Utg.

Conferences and events

8 February 2023, Lillehammer. Workshop with Professor Joan DeJaeghere, University of Minnesota: "Life skills in Nordic Education and in other contexts".

9 February 2023, Lillehammer. Open lecture with Professor Joan DeJaeghere, University of Minnesota: “The role of education in achieving social justice. Thinking with capability, acting in context.”

9 February 2023, Lillehammer. Seminar with Professor Joan DeJaeghere, University of Minnesota: “Academic literacy and subjectivation. Two mutually constituting processes”.


The group consists of teachers/researchers from the Faculty of Teacher Education and Pedagogy (LUP), Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (HSV) and from the Norwegian Business School - Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (HHS), including Eastern Research and a number of associated members from other areas as well.