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Ellen Nesset Mælan

Ellen Nesset Mælan

Associate Professor

Interests: Inclusive and health-promotive education, interdisciplinary collaboration

Phone number
+47 62 43 02 72
Mobile number
+47 95 76 73 62

Faculty of education
Department of educational studies in teacher education
Campus Hamar, Room 2M32-1

Short description

Ellen Nesset Mælan is associate professor in pedagogy. Her education includes professional studies in pedagogy, specialization in clinical pedagogy and a doctoral degree in pedagogy. Mælan was a doctoral student in the project "Schools, learning, physical activity and mental health" and defended the thesis Teacher's practice and pupils' mental health: an exploratory study in secondary school. She has extensive experience from educational-psychological service and mental health care for children and adolescents. Mælan has participated and led a number of development projects in schools and kindergartens.

Mælan is interested in how the learning environment influences children and young people's learning and development, well-being and health. She teaches in inclusive education and special education. Her research is focused on interdisciplinary collaboration to promote helath and well-being, comprehensive sexuality education, and students' post-pandemic well-being.



Visiting Address

Kirsten Flagstads Hus (Midtbyen skole)
Skolegata 1, N-2317 Hamar
Room 2M32-1
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum