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Large Animal Ecology

Due to their high energy demand, large-bodied species can strongly influence ecosystem dynamics. Yet, their impact in ecosystems is often in conflict with human interests.

Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
Academic discipline:
Nature, biology and environment
Wolverine family group

This wolverine mother and her three cubs are inspecting a trap installed by the SKOGSJERV project to radiocollar wolverines.

Photo: Kristoffer Nordli

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Read news from LARGE

Our research group, LARGE, is committed to knowledge production to meet common goals for a sustainable management of large-bodied species and mitigating wildlife-human conflicts. 

Research goals

1. Conduct scientific studies on large-bodied animals and their interactions with other species, including humans, providing high-valued knowledge for management and conservation.

2. Assess and evaluate management actions aimed at large-bodied species and related conflicts of interest.

3. Synthesize and disseminate scientific knowledge on large-bodied animals to management, stakeholders, the scientific community and the public.

4. Integrate students at all levels into our activities and projects



What we research

Current research projects

- TaigaClimate: Forests and wildlife under pressure – systems analysis for sustainable solutions 

- CarniForeGraze: Livestock grazing in carnivore forests

SKANDULV: The Scandinavian Wolf Research Project

- Wolf-human interactions

- Moose on the move: Biotagging research on moose

- DroneMoose: Moose monitoring by drone

- SKOGSJERV: The Forest Wolverine Project

- Brown bear project Innlandet

- Eagle owl project

Former research projects

GRENSEVILT: Wildlife management across borders

- Forestry and moose

More about the research group

Why study large animal ecology?

Large animals are both unique and important

Different selective forces may have favored large body size in animals: to be large pays off in interference competition, in predation for both the predator and the prey, or in heat conservation in warm-blooded species due to a decreased ratio of body surface to body volume. However, the drawback of being large is the higher energy demand connected with body weight, both to sustain the basal metabolic functions as well as reproduction, locomotion and other activities. Consequently, large-bodied species often roam over larger areas than small-bodied species to ensure access to resources and mates. Many large-bodied species are long-lived and characterized by low reproductive rates and long generation times combined with a higher investment per offspring than small-bodied species.

​Due to their high energy demand, large-bodied species are often very influential in an ecosystem. They may have key roles in species communities by e.g. consuming an essential part of the net production at the next lower trophic level, which again may lead to cascading effects at lower trophic levels. This applies to top predators as well as large herbivores. However, their impact in ecosystems is often in conflict with human interests.

Wolf with GPS-collar, Finnskogen 2019

Humans are the most influential large mammals

As human beings, we represent the most influential large-bodied species, not only because we make up 36% of all mammalian biomass on Earth, but also because we harvest and exploit other species on all trophic levels, alter natural habitats and cause climate change. We have eradicated or reduced other large-bodied species in most of the world because we perceived them as a threat to human safety, competitors for livestock production and harvest of game. We have over-harvested populations of large-bodied species in our need for food, pelts and trophies. Our need for space and transportation has led to habitat loss and fragmentation, with negative impacts disproportionately affecting wide-ranging, large-bodied species. Pollution leads to accumulation of toxic substances in long-lived species, particularly for those at the top of the food chain. Not surprisingly, large-bodied wild mammals have a higher extinction risk than smaller mammalian species. 

​Humans impact ecosystems also indirectly through livestock production. Today, livestock, dominated by cattle, makes up close to 60% of all mammalian biomass on Earth. These large-bodied domestic grazers appropriate a large proportion of all net primary production consumed by terrestrial herbivores and have altered the Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems, first from highly structured forests to nutrient-poor, species-rich meadows, and in recent times to nutrient-rich, species-poor grasslands. If kept on uncultivated lands, domestic species may interact with wild species and conflict with human interests, such as forestry or carnivore conservation.

Moose harvest is of high economic and recreational importance in Scandinavia

Large animals are at risk

In light of the ever-growing human need for natural resources and global warming, there is an immediate need for management measures that can balance human needs and species conservation. To be successful, management actions should be knowledge-based and adaptive, for example, offer an effective framework to manage resources in the face of uncertainty. This learning process involves assessing the impact of management measures, searching for and systematically testing new and alternative methods, and adjusting measures based on new knowledge and/or changing circumstances. Applied to large-bodied species, this implies continuous monitoring of the populations in question as well as related human-wildlife conflicts. It also requires up-to-date knowledge on the ecology of the species or populations in question, on factors that affect population dynamics and viability, on spatial and temporal variation of these factors, and direct and indirect effects of the species on other species. 

Communication to stakeholders and the public is an important activity in LARGE



Mangold, M., Schwietering, A., Zink, J., Steinbauer, M. J., & Heurich, M. (2024). The digitalization of outdoor recreation: Global perspectives on the opportunities and challenges for protected area management. Journal of Environmental Management, 352, 120108.

Nordli, K., Walton, Z., Eriksen, A., Rogstad, M., Zimmermann, B., Wikenros, C., Aronsson, M., & Wabakken, P. (2024). Carcass provisioning and intra-guild risk avoidance between two sympatric large carnivores. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 78(2), 17.

Schindler, F., Steinhage, V., Van Beeck Calkoen, S. T. S., & Heurich, M. (2024). Action Detection for Wildlife Monitoring with Camera Traps Based on Segmentation with Filtering of Tracklets (SWIFT) and Mask-Guided Action Recognition (MAROON). Applied Sciences, 14(2), 514.

Schlippe-Justicia, L., Lemaire, J., Dittrich, C., Mayer, M., Bustamante, P., & Rojas, B. (2024). Poison in the nursery: Mercury contamination in the tadpole-rearing sites of an Amazonian frog. Science of The Total Environment, 912, 169450.

Spedener, M., Tofastrud, M., Austrheim, G., & Zimmermann, B. (2024). A Grazer in a Browser’s Habitat: Resource Selection of Foraging Cattle in Productive Boreal Forest. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 93, 15–23.


Bach, H., Escoubet, H., & Mayer, M. (2023). Co-occurrence patterns and habitat selection of the mountain hare, European hare, and European rabbit in urban areas of Sweden. Mammalian Biology, 103(2), 187–203.

Bluhm, H., Diserens, T. A., Engleder, T., Heising, K., Heurich, M., Janík, T., Jirků, M., Klich, D., König, H. J., Kowalczyk, R., Kuijper, D., Maślanko, W., Michler, F., Neumann, W., Oeser, J., Olech, W., Perzanowski, K., Ratkiewicz, M., Romportl, D., … Kuemmerle, T. (2023). Widespread habitat for Europe’s largest herbivores, but poor connectivity limits recolonization. Diversity and Distributions, 29(3), 423–437.

Bubnicki, J. W., Norton, B., Baskauf, S. J., Bruce, T., Cagnacci, F., Casaer, J., Churski, M., Cromsigt, J. P. G. M., Farra, S. D., Fiderer, C., Forrester, T. D., Hendry, H., Heurich, M., Hofmeester, T. R., Jansen, P. A., Kays, R., Kuijper, D. P. J., Liefting, Y., Linnell, J. D. C., … Desmet, P. (2023). Camtrap DP: an open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, rse2.374.

De Groeve, J., Van De Weghe, N., Ranc, N., Morellet, N., Bonnot, N. C., Gehr, B., Heurich, M., Hewison, A. J. M., Kröschel, M., Linnell, J. D. C., Mysterud, A., Sandfort, R., & Cagnacci, F. (2023). Back and forth: day–night alternation between cover types reveals complementary use of habitats in a large herbivore. Landscape Ecology, 38(4), 1033–1049.

Döringer, S., Porst, F., Stumpf, L., & Heurich, M. (2023). The Relationship between Measured Visitor Density and Perceived Crowding Revisited: Predicting Perceived Crowding in Outdoor Recreation. Leisure Sciences, 1–24.

Ferrari, G., Scaravelli, D., Mustoni, A., Armanini, M., Zibordi, F., Devineau, O., Cagnacci, F., Grasso, D. A., & Ossi, F. (2023). A Comparison of Small Rodent Assemblages after a 20 Year Interval in the Alps. Animals, 13(8), 1407.

Heidrich, L., Brandl, R., Ammer, C., Bae, S., Bässler, C., Doerfler, I., Fischer, M., Gossner, M. M., Heurich, M., Heibl, C., Jung, K., Krzystek, P., Levick, S., Magdon, P., Schall, P., Schulze, E.-D., Seibold, S., Simons, N. K., Thorn, S., … Müller, J. (2023). Effects of heterogeneity on the ecological diversity and redundancy of forest fauna. Basic and Applied Ecology, 73, 72–79.

Henrich, M., Burgueño, M., Hoyer, J., Haucke, T., Steinhage, V., Kühl, H. S., & Heurich, M. (2023). A semi‐automated camera trap distance sampling approach for population density estimation. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, rse2.362.

Khorozyan, I., & Heurich, M. (2023). Patterns of predation by the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx throughout its range: ecological and conservation implications. Mammal Review, 53(3), 177–188.

Khorozyan, I., & Heurich, M. (2023). Where, why and how carnivores kill domestic animals in different parts of their ranges: An example of the Eurasian lynx. Global Ecology and Conservation, 46, e02585.

Kirchner, T. M., Devineau, O., Chimienti, M., Thompson, D. P., Crouse, J., Evans, A. L., Zimmermann, B., & Eriksen, A. (2023). Predicting moose behaviors from tri-axial accelerometer data using a supervised classification algorithm. Animal Biotelemetry, 11(1), 32.

König, S., Thonfeld, F., Förster, M., Dubovyk, O., & Heurich, M. (2023). Assessing Combinations of Landsat, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Time series for Detecting Bark Beetle Infestations. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 60(1), 2226515.

Kudrenko, S., Fenchuk, V., Vollering, J., Zedrosser, A., Selva, N., Ostapowicz, K., Beasley, J. C., & Heurich, M. (2023). Walking on the dark side: Anthropogenic factors limit suitable habitat for gray wolf (Canis lupus) in a large natural area covering Belarus and Ukraine. Global Ecology and Conservation, 46, e02586.

Kühl, H. S., Buckland, S. T., Henrich, M., Howe, E., & Heurich, M. (2023). Estimating effective survey duration in camera trap distance sampling surveys. Ecology and Evolution, 13(10), e10599.

Lasway, J. V., Njovu, H. K., Eustace, A., Mathisen, K. M., Skarpe, C., & Peters, M. K. (2023). Species richness, vegetation structure, and floristic composition of woody plants along the elevation gradient of Mt. Meru, Tanzania. Biotropica, 55(4), 828–838.

Mayer, M., Fischer, C., Blaum, N., Sunde, P., & Ullmann, W. (2023). Influence of roads on space use by European hares in different landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 38(1), 131–146.

Michler, L. M., Kaczensky, P., Oyunsaikhan, G., Bartzke, G. S., Devineau, O., & Treydte, A. C. (2023). To move or not to move—factors influencing small-scale herder and livestock movements in the Dzungarian Gobi, Mongolia. Regional Environmental Change, 23(4), 131.

Mitterwallner, V., Peters, A., Edelhoff, H., Mathes, G., Nguyen, H., Peters, W., Heurich, M., & Steinbauer, M. J. (2023). Automated visitor and wildlife monitoring with camera traps and machine learning. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, rse2.367.

Mumme, S., Middleton, A. D., Ciucci, P., De Groeve, J., Corradini, A., Aikens, E. O., Ossi, F., Atwood, P., Balkenhol, N., Cole, E. K., Debeffe, L., Dewey, S. R., Fischer, C., Gude, J., Heurich, M., Hurley, M. A., Jarnemo, A., Kauffman, M. J., Licoppe, A., … Cagnacci, F. (2023). Wherever I may roam—Human activity alters movements of red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) and elk ( Cervus canadensis ) across two continents. Global Change Biology, 29(20), 5788–5801.

Neby, M., Andreassen, H., Milleret, C., Pedersen, S., Peris Tamayo, A.-M., Carriondo Sánchez, D., Versluijs, E., & Zimmermann, B. (2023). Small rodent monitoring at Birkebeiner Road, Norway. Biodiversity Data Journal, 11, e105914.

Nordli, K., Wabakken, P., Eriksen, A., Sand, H., Wikenros, C., Maartmann, E., & Zimmermann, B. (2023). Spatial and temporal cohesion of parents and offspring in a social large carnivore. Animal Behaviour, 197, 155–167.

Nussberger, B., Barbosa, S., Beaumont, M., Currat, M., Devillard, S., Heurich, M., Howard-Mccombe, J., Mattucci, F., Nowak, C., Quilodrán, C. S., Senn, H., & Alves, P. C. (2023). A common statement on anthropogenic hybridization of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 1156387.

Oeser, J., Heurich, M., Kramer-Schadt, S., Andrén, H., Bagrade, G., Belotti, E., Bufka, L., Breitenmoser-Würsten, C., Černe, R., Duľa, M., Fuxjäger, C., Gomerčić, T., Jędrzejewski, W., Kont, R., Koubek, P., Kowalczyk, R., Krofel, M., Krojerová-Prokešová, J., Kubala, J., … Kuemmerle, T. (2023). Prerequisites for coexistence: human pressure and refuge habitat availability shape continental-scale habitat use patterns of a large carnivore. Landscape Ecology, 38(7), 1713–1728.

Oeser, J., Heurich, M., Kramer‐Schadt, S., Mattisson, J., Krofel, M., Krojerová‐Prokešová, J., Zimmermann, F., Anders, O., Andrén, H., Bagrade, G., Belotti, E., Breitenmoser‐Würsten, C., Bufka, L., Černe, R., Drouet‐Hoguet, N., Duľa, M., Fuxjäger, C., Gomerčić, T., Jędrzejewski, W., … Kuemmerle, T. (2023). Integrating animal tracking datasets at a continental scale for mapping Eurasian lynx habitat. Diversity and Distributions, 29(12), 1546–1560.

Oliveira, T., Carricondo‐Sanchez, D., Mattisson, J., Vogt, K., Corradini, A., Linnell, J. D. C., Odden, J., Heurich, M., Rodríguez‐Recio, M., & Krofel, M. (2023). Predicting kill sites of an apex predator from GPS data in different multiprey systems. Ecological Applications, 33(2), e2778.

Ortiz, A. M. D., Chua, P. L. C., Salvador, D., Dyngeland, C., Albao, J. D. G., & Abesamis, R. A. (2023). Impacts of tropical cyclones on food security, health and biodiversity. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 101(2), 152–154.

Palmero, S., Premier, J., Kramer‐Schadt, S., Monterroso, P., & Heurich, M. (2023). Sampling variables and their thresholds for the precise estimation of wild felid population density with camera traps and spatial capture–recapture methods. Mammal Review, 53(4), 223–237.

Palmero, S., Smith, A. F., Kudrenko, S., Gahbauer, M., Dachs, D., Weingarth‐Dachs, K., Kashpei, I., Shamovich, D., Vyshnevskiy, D., Borsuk, O., Korepanova, K., Bashta, A., Zhuravchak, R., Fenchuk, V., & Heurich, M. (2023). Shining a light on elusive lynx: Density estimation of three Eurasian lynx populations in Ukraine and Belarus. Ecology and Evolution, 13(11), e10688.

Rietz, J., van Beeck Calkoen, S. T. S., Ferry, N., Schlüter, J., Wehner, H., Schindlatz, K.-H., Lackner, T., von Hoermann, C., Conraths, F. J., Müller, J., & Heurich, M. (2023). Drone-Based Thermal Imaging in the Detection of Wildlife Carcasses and Disease Management. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2023, e5517000.

Ruiz-Villar, H., Bastianelli, M. L., Heurich, M., Anile, S., Díaz-Ruiz, F., Ferreras, P., Götz, M., Herrmann, M., Jerosch, S., Jubete, F., López-Martín, J. M., Monterroso, P., Simon, O., Streif, S., Trinzen, M., Urra, F., López-Bao, J. V., & Palomares, F. (2023). Agriculture intensity and landscape configuration influence the spatial use of wildcats across Europe. Biological Conservation, 277, 109854.

Šálek, M., & Mayer, M. (2023). Farmstead modernization adversely affects farmland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(1), 101–110.

Schlippe Justicia, L., Mayer, M., Lorioux-Chevalier, U., Dittrich, C., Rojas, B., & Chouteau, M. (2023). Intraspecific divergence of sexual size dimorphism and reproductive strategies in a polytypic poison frog. Evolutionary Ecology.

Sponberg, V. B., & Mathiesen, K. E. (2023). Media’s portrayal of large predators in Norway from the protection by law in the 1970’s till today: an insight into local and national newspapers. GeoJournal, 88(3), 2705–2720.

Svanholm Pejstrup, M., Andersen, J. R., & Mayer, M. (2023). Beaver foraging patterns in a human-dominated landscape: Effects on woody vegetation and mammals. Forest Ecology and Management, 528, 120645.

Tourani, M., Franke, F., Heurich, M., Henrich, M., Peterka, T., Ebert, C., Oeser, J., Edelhoff, H., Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Bischof, R., & Peters, W. (2023). Spatial variation in red deer density in a transboundary forest ecosystem. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4561.

Versluijs, E., Niccolai, L. J., Spedener, M., Zimmermann, B., Hessle, A., Tofastrud, M., Devineau, O., & Evans, A. L. (2023). Classification of behaviors of free-ranging cattle using accelerometry signatures collected by virtual fence collars. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, 1083272.

von Hoermann, C., Benbow, M. E., Rottler-Hoermann, A.-M., Lackner, T., Sommer, D., Receveur, J. P., Bässler, C., Heurich, M., & Müller, J. (2023). Factors influencing carrion communities are only partially consistent with those of deadwood necromass. Oecologia, 201(2), 537–547.

Wielgus, E., Klamm, A., Conraths, F. J., Dormann, C. F., Henrich, M., Kronthaler, F., & Heurich, M. (2023). First-Passage Time Analysis Based on GPS Data Offers a New Approach to Estimate Restricted Zones for the Management of Infectious Diseases in Wildlife: A Case Study Using the Example of African Swine Fever. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2023, e4024083.

Wikenros, C., Di Bernardi, C., Zimmermann, B., Åkesson, M., Demski, M., Flagstad, Ø., Mattisson, J., Tallian, A., Wabakken, P., & Sand, H. (2023). Scavenging patterns of an inbred wolf population in a landscape with a pulse of human‐provided carrion. Ecology and Evolution, 13(7), e10236.

Yu, H., Wang, T., Skidmore, A., Heurich, M., & Bässler, C. (2023). How future climate and tree distribution changes shape the biodiversity of macrofungi across Europe. Diversity and Distributions, 29(5), 666–682.

Zong, X., Wang, T., Skidmore, A. K., & Heurich, M. (2023). Habitat visibility affects the behavioral response of a large herbivore to human disturbance in forest landscapes. Journal of Environmental Management, 348, 119244.

Zong, X., Wang, T., Skidmore, A. K., & Heurich, M. (2023). LiDAR reveals a preference for intermediate visibility by a forest‐dwelling ungulate species. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92(7), 1306–1319.


Åkesson, M., Flagstad, Ø., Aspi, J., Kojola, I., Liberg, O., Wabakken, P., & Sand, H. (2022). Genetic signature of immigrants and their effect on genetic diversity in the recently established Scandinavian wolf population. Conservation Genetics, 23(2), 359–373.

Åkesson, M., Svensson, L., Flagstad, Ø., Wabakken, P., & Frank, J. (2022). Wolf monitoring in Scandinavia: evaluating counts of packs and reproduction events. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 86(4), e22206.

Alagialoglou, L., Manakos, I., Heurich, M., Cervenka, J., & Delopoulos, A. (2022). A Learnable Model With Calibrated Uncertainty Quantification for Estimating Canopy Height From Spaceborne Sequential Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1–13.

Ausilio, G., Wikenros, C., Sand, H., Wabakken, P., Eriksen, A., & Zimmermann, B. (2022). Environmental and anthropogenic features mediate risk from human hunters and wolves for moose. Ecosphere, 13(12).

Bachmann, M. E., Kulik, L., Gatiso, T., Nielsen, M. R., Haase, D., Heurich, M., Buchadas, A., Bösch, L., Eirdosh, D., Freytag, A., Geldmann, J., Ghoddousi, A., Hicks, T. C., Ordaz-Németh, I., Qin, S., Sop, T., Van Beeck Calkoen, S., Wesche, K., & Kühl, H. S. (2022). Analysis of differences and commonalities in wildlife hunting across the Africa-Europe South-North gradient. PLOS Biology, 20(8), e3001707.

Barta, K. A., Hais, M., & Heurich, M. (2022). Characterizing forest disturbance and recovery with thermal trajectories derived from Landsat time series data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 282, 113274.

Broekman, M. J. E., Hilbers, J. P., Huijbregts, M. A. J., Mueller, T., Ali, A. H., Andrén, H., Altmann, J., Aronsson, M., Attias, N., Bartlam‐Brooks, H. L. A., Van Beest, F. M., Belant, J. L., Beyer, D. E., Bidner, L., Blaum, N., Boone, R. B., Boyce, M. S., Brown, M. B., Cagnacci, F., … Tucker, M. A. (2022). Evaluating expert‐based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS‐ tracking data. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(8), 1526–1541.

Dickel, L., Monsimet, J., Lafage, D., & Devineau, O. (2022). Characterization of habitat requirements of European fishing spiders. PeerJ, 10, e12806.

Duncanson, L., Kellner, J. R., Armston, J., Dubayah, R., Minor, D. M., Hancock, S., Healey, S. P., Patterson, P. L., Saarela, S., Marselis, S., Silva, C. E., Bruening, J., Goetz, S. J., Tang, H., Hofton, M., Blair, B., Luthcke, S., Fatoyinbo, L., Abernethy, K., … Zgraggen, C. (2022). Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission. Remote Sensing of Environment, 270, 112845.

Eriksen, A., Versluijs, E., Fuchs, B., Zimmermann, B., Wabakken, P., Ordiz, A., Sunde, P., Wikenros, C., Sand, H., Gillich, B., Michler, F., Nordli, K., Carricondo-Sanchez, D., Gorini, L., & Rieger, S. (2022). A Standardized Method for Experimental Human Approach Trials on Wild Wolves. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 793307.

Ferrari, G., Girardi, M., Cagnacci, F., Devineau, O., & Tagliapietra, V. (2022). First Record of Hepatozoon spp. in Alpine Wild Rodents: Implications and Perspectives for Transmission Dynamics across the Food Web. Microorganisms, 10(4), 712.

Filla, M., Lama, R. P., Filla, T., Heurich, M., Balkenhol, N., Waltert, M., & Khorozyan, I. (2022). Patterns of livestock depredation by snow leopards and effects of intervention strategies: lessons from the Nepalese Himalaya. Wildlife Research, 49(8), 719–737.

Filla, M., Lama, R. P., Ghale, T. R., Filla, T., Heurich, M., Waltert, M., & Khorozyan, I. (2022). Blue sheep strongly affect snow leopard relative abundance but not livestock depredation in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Global Ecology and Conservation, 37, e02153.

Gatiso, T. T., Kulik, L., Bachmann, M., Bonn, A., Bösch, L., Eirdosh, D., Freytag, A., Hanisch, S., Heurich, M., Sop, T., Wesche, K., Winter, M., & Kühl, H. S. (2022). Effectiveness of protected areas influenced by socio-economic context. Nature Sustainability, 5(10), 861–868.

Hall, C. M., Rasmussen, L. V., Powell, B., Dyngeland, C., Jung, S., & Olesen, R. S. (2022). Deforestation reduces fruit and vegetable consumption in rural Tanzania. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(10), e2112063119.

Haugen, H., Devineau, O., Heggenes, J., Østbye, K., & Linløkken, A. (2022). Predicting Habitat Properties Using Remote Sensing Data: Soil pH and Moisture, and Ground Vegetation Cover. Remote Sensing, 14(20), 5207.

Henrich, M., Hartig, F., Dormann, C. F., Kühl, H. S., Peters, W., Franke, F., Peterka, T., Šustr, P., & Heurich, M. (2022). Deer Behavior Affects Density Estimates With Camera Traps, but Is Outweighed by Spatial Variability. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10.

Jung, S., Dyngeland, C., Rausch, L., & Rasmussen, L. V. (2022). Brazilian Land Registry Impacts on Land Use Conversion. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(1), 340–363.

Khorozyan, I., & Heurich, M. (2022). Large-Scale Sheep Losses to Wolves (Canis lupus) in Germany Are Related to the Expansion of the Wolf Population but Not to Increasing Wolf Numbers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10.

Loosen, A., Devineau, O., Zimmermann, B., & Marie Mathisen, K. (2022). The importance of evaluating standard monitoring methods: Observer bias and detection probabilities for moose pellet group surveys. PLOS ONE, 17(7), e0268710.

Mathiesen, K. E., Barmoen, M., Bærum, K. M., & Johansson, M. (2022). Trust in researchers and researchers’ statements in large carnivore conservation. People and Nature, 4(1), 260–273.

Mattisson, J., Linnell, J. D. C., Anders, O., Belotti, E., Breitenmoser‐Würsten, C., Bufka, L., Fuxjäger, C., Heurich, M., Ivanov, G., Jędrzejewski, W., Kont, R., Kowalczyk, R., Krofel, M., Melovski, D., Mengüllüoğlu, D., Middelhoff, T. L., Molinari‐Jobin, A., Odden, J., Ozoliņš, J., … Andrén, H. (2022). Timing and synchrony of birth in Eurasian lynx across Europe. Ecology and Evolution, 12(8), e9147.

Mayer, M., Lian, M., Fuchs, B., Robstad, C. A., Evans, A. L., Perrin, K. L., Greunz, E. M., Laske, T. G., Arnemo, J. M., & Rosell, F. (2022). Retention and loss of PIT tags and surgically implanted devices in the Eurasian beaver. BMC Veterinary Research, 18(1), 219.

Mayer, M., Olsen, K., Schulz, B., Matzen, J., Nowak, C., Thomsen, P. F., Hansen, M. M., Vedel-Smith, C., & Sunde, P. (2022). Occurrence and Livestock Depredation Patterns by Wolves in Highly Cultivated Landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10.

Monclús, L., Løseth, M. E., Dahlberg Persson, M. J., Eulaers, I., Kleven, O., Covaci, A., Benskin, J. P., Awad, R., Zubrod, J. P., Schulz, R., Wabakken, P., Heggøy, O., Øien, I. J., Steinsvåg, M. J., Jaspers, V. L. B., & Nygård, T. (2022). Legacy and emerging organohalogenated compounds in feathers of Eurasian eagle-owls (Bubo bubo) in Norway: Spatiotemporal variations and associations with dietary proxies (δ13C and δ15N). Environmental Research, 204, 112372.

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Johnsen, K., Boonstra, R., Boutin, S., Devineau, O., Krebs, C. J., & Andreassen, H. P. (2017). Surviving winter: Food, but not habitat structure, prevents crashes in cyclic vole populations. Ecology and Evolution, 7(1), 115–124.

Mathisen, K. M., Milner, J. M., & Skarpe, C. (2017). Moose–tree interactions: rebrowsing is common across tree species. BMC Ecology, 17(1), 12.

Milleret, C., Wabakken, P., Liberg, O., Åkesson, M., Flagstad, Ø., Andreassen, H. P., & Sand, H. (2017). Let’s stay together? Intrinsic and extrinsic factors involved in pair bond dissolution in a recolonizing wolf population. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86(1), 43–54.

Mramba, R. P., Mahenya, O., Siyaya, A., Mathisen, K. M., Andreassen, H. P., & Skarpe, C. (2017). Sexual segregation in foraging giraffe. Acta Oecologica, 79, 26–35.

Tallian, A., Ordiz, A., Metz, M. C., Milleret, C., Wikenros, C., Smith, D. W., Stahler, D. R., Kindberg, J., MacNulty, D. R., Wabakken, P., Swenson, J. E., & Sand, H. (2017). Competition between apex predators? Brown bears decrease wolf kill rate on two continents. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1848), 20162368.


Åkesson, M., Liberg, O., Sand, H., Wabakken, P., Bensch, S., & Flagstad, Ø. (2016). Genetic rescue in a severely inbred wolf population. Molecular Ecology, 25(19), 4745–4756.

Boonstra, R., Andreassen, H. P., Boutin, S., Hušek, J., Ims, R. A., Krebs, C. J., Skarpe, C., & Wabakken, P. (2016). Why Do the Boreal Forest Ecosystems of Northwestern Europe Differ from Those of Western North America? BioScience, 66(9), 722–734.

Chapron, G., Wikenros, C., Liberg, O., Wabakken, P., Flagstad, Ø., Milleret, C., Månsson, J., Svensson, L., Zimmermann, B., & Åkesson, M. (2016). Estimating wolf (Canis lupus) population size from number of packs and an individual based model. Ecological Modelling, 339, 33–44.

Fuchs, B., Zimmermann, B., Wabakken, P., Bornstein, S., Månsson, J., Evans, A. L., Liberg, O., Sand, H., Kindberg, J., & Ågren, E. O. (2016). Sarcoptic mange in the Scandinavian wolf Canis lupus population. BMC Veterinary Research, 12(1), 156.

Mahenya, O., Mathisen, K. M., Andreassen, H. P., & Skarpe, C. (2016). Hierarchical foraging by giraffe in a heterogeneous savannah, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 54(2), 136–145.

Mahenya, O., Ndjamba, J. K., Mathisen, K. M., & Skarpe, C. (2016). Giraffe browsing in response to plant traits. Acta Oecologica, 75, 54–62.

Penteriani, V., Delgado, M. del M., Pinchera, F., Naves, J., Fernández-Gil, A., Kojola, I., Härkönen, S., Norberg, H., Frank, J., Fedriani, J. M., Sahlén, V., Støen, O.-G., Swenson, J. E., Wabakken, P., Pellegrini, M., Herrero, S., & López-Bao, J. V. (2016). Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 20552.

Rivrud, I. M., Bischof, R., Meisingset, E., Zimmermann, B., Loe, L. E., & Mysterud, A. (2016). Leave before it’s too late: Anthropogenic and environmental triggers of autumn migration in a hunted ungulate population. Ecology, 97(4), 1058–1068.

Sand, H., Eklund, A., Zimmermann, B., Wikenros, C., & Wabakken, P. (2016). Prey Selection of Scandinavian Wolves: Single Large or Several Small? PloS One, 11(12), e0168062.

Sazatornil, V., Rodríguez, A., Klaczek, M., Ahmadi, M., Álvares, F., Arthur, S., Blanco, J. C., Borg, B. L., Cluff, D., Cortés, Y., García, E. J., Geffen, E., Habib, B., Iliopoulos, Y., Kaboli, M., Krofel, M., Llaneza, L., Marucco, F., Oakleaf, J. K., … López-Bao, J. V. (2016). The role of human-related risk in breeding site selection by wolves. Biological Conservation, 201, 103–110.


Mathisen, K. M., Rémy, A., & Skarpe, C. (2015). Shoot growth responses at supplementary feeding stations for moose in Norway. Alces: A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose, 51(0), 123–133.

Mayer, M., Brown, G. P., Zimmermann, B., Greenlees, M. J., & Shine, R. (2015). Habitat use of the introduced cane toad (Rhinella marina) and native frog species in tropical Australia. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 31(06), 531–540.

Mayer, M., Brown, G. P., Zimmermann, B., & Shine, R. (2015). High infection intensities, but negligible fitness costs, suggest tolerance of gastrointestinal nematodes in a tropical snake. Austral Ecology, 40(6), 683–692.

Ordiz, A., Milleret, C., Kindberg, J., Månsson, J., Wabakken, P., Swenson, J. E., & Sand, H. (2015). Wolves, people, and brown bears influence the expansion of the recolonizing wolf population in Scandinavia. Ecosphere, 6(12), 1–14.

Zimmermann, B., Sand, H., Wabakken, P., Liberg, O., & Andreassen, H. (2015). Predator‐dependent functional response in wolves: From food limitation to surplus killing. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84, 102–112.


Chapron, G., Kaczensky, P., Linnell, J. D. C., Arx, M. von, Huber, D., Andrén, H., López-Bao, J. V., Adamec, M., Álvares, F., Anders, O., Balčiauskas, L., Balys, V., Bedő, P., Bego, F., Blanco, J. C., Breitenmoser, U., Brøseth, H., Bufka, L., Bunikyte, R., … Boitani, L. (2014). Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes. Science, 346(6216), 1517–1519.

Gangaas, K. E., Kaltenborn, B. P., & Andreassen, H. P. (2014). Environmental attitudes associated with large-scale cultural differences, not local environmental conflicts. Environmental Conservation, 42(1).

Mathisen, K. M., Milner, J. M., van Beest, F. M., & Skarpe, C. (2014). Long-term effects of supplementary feeding of moose on browsing impact at a landscape scale. Forest Ecology and Management, 314, 104–111.

Nicholson, K., Milleret, C., Månsson, J., & Sand, H. (2014). Testing the risk of predation hypothesis: the influence of recolonizing wolves on habitat use by moose. Oecologia, 176, 69–80.

Pedersen, S., Mathisen, K. M., Gorini, L., Andreassen, H. P., Røskaft, E., & Skarpe, C. (2014). Small mammal responses to moose supplementary winter feeding. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 60(3), 527–534.

Zimmermann, B., Nelson, L., Wabakken, P., Sand, H., & Liberg, O. (2014). Behavioral responses of wolves to roads: scale-dependent ambivalence. Behavioral Ecology, 25(6), 1353–1364.



Conferences and events


International Wildlife Congress 2025


Wolves across borders 2023, Stockholm


Our research group members work closely together with colleagues at campus Evenstad and Blæstad: Ecophysiology/One Health, Wildcom, E4, Forest research, Sustainable agriculture

We collaborate with scientists in Norway and all over the world, e.g.

  • Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research NIBIO

  • Norwegian Institute of Nature Research NINA
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU
  • Swedish Agricultural University SLU
  • International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis IIASA, Austria
  • University of Alberta, Canada
  • Bavarian Forest Nationalpark
  • Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Agroscope Switzerland
  • KORA Switzerland
  • University of British Columbia, Canada
  • University of Wyoming, USA

Our research projects involve stakeholders from land use management, forestry, conservation, hunting, and landowner associations.