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Quality in higher eduaction

The research group studies such change processes in higher education and the institutions' responses to various initiatives and reform measures.

Faculty of Education
Academic discipline:
Upbringing and education
A student pulling out a book from a shelf in the library.
Photo: INN University

Higher education has been the subject of major changes in recent years. Profound innovations in knowledge production and knowledge policy affect management and organizational forms in the institutions, and influence the sector's central tasks related to teaching and research.

Quality is created in the meeting between staff and students, and it is developed in meetings between those who teach, supervise and research in the field. Quality is created locally and is culturally dependent, while management expectations and framework conditions affect both studies, research and working conditions.

What we research

The research group explores fundamental questions related to higher education's clear societal mission, where meaning-making and learning for both students and staff are central. The ambition is to contribute new knowledge about higher education, and to the development of higher education as a field of research.

More about the research group