Norwegian version of this page

VIT - Guidance and Information Access in NAV

VIT is the Norwegian  abbreviation for Guidance and Information Access - Consequences of New Digital Solutions for the Administration and Use of Labor Market Measures. The project is funded by NAV Research and Development and has its origin in the strategic cooperation agreement between the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).

Project goal


The project aims to investigate how digital access to information about labor market measures from NAV impacts the allocation, utilization, and outcomes of these measures. VIT will follow the process of developing and implementing "Mulighetsrommet" (Opportunity space), a platform designed to provide NAV advisors and users with more accessible information about labor market measures.

The study will also provide insights into how changes in digital solutions at the front line have implications for guidance work more broadly. Additionally, the project aims to shed light on how agile development of new solutions functions and is perceived at the local level within the NAV offices.

About the project

The project is based on ongoing changes in how NAV provides information about labor market measures to users and advisors. Throughout 2023, NAV offices across the country will implement the "Opportunity Space" platform, which is intended to provide advisors and users with simpler and more transparent information. In the new system, NAV advisors will, among other things, have an overview of labor market measures based on geographical location, the user's effort requirements, availability status, and the measure history from the last five years. "Opportunity Space" also makes information about the user's case more accessible. The changes are expected to have significant implications for guidance in general and the administration of labor market measures at the local level in particular.

What VIT will do

  • Mapping of the "Opportunity Space" through document studies and interviews with key actors in the directorate, NAV Innlandet, and NAV Ringsaker, which has been a pilot office for the platform (2023-2024).
  • Literature review of relevant research literature (2023-2024).
  • Studying experiences with the use of the "Opportunity Space" through four case studies at four NAV offices in Innlandet: Ringsaker, and three others (2024-2025).
  • Investigating the perceptions and experiences with the "Opportunity Space" through a survey sent to 3000 advisors nationwide (2024-2025).
  • Analysis of registry data with a focus on changes (2024-2025).

What VIT will deliver:

  • A summary note that consolidates the mapping and literature review (2024).
  • 2 to 4 peer-reviewed articles (2026-).
  • Presentations at 4 research conferences (2024-2026).
  • Final report in the HINN publication series, summarizing findings and insights (2026).
  • Video presentations of the most important research findings (2026).
  • Presentation of the work and findings in the webinar series "Kunnskapstimen" (2026).
orange lego on white background

Picture: Unsplash

Head of research project

Picture of Maria Røhnebæk
Associate Professor