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Gerd Wikan

Gerd Wikan


Samfunnsgeograf med utviklingstudier som spesiale

+47 62 51 76 29
+47 98 68 21 15

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk
Institutt for samfunnsfag, religion og etikk
Studiested Hamar, Rom 2P206

Kort om

Jeg forsker på interkulturalitet og global bevissthet blant grunnskolelærerstudenter.  Jeg har i mange år ledet ulike forskningsprosjektet som har følgeforsket egne lærerstudenter som har hatt praksis i skoler i Namibia.  Målsettingen med forskningen er å se på i hvilken grad slike opphold bidrar til å gjøre studentene mer kompetente til å undervise i flerkulturelle settinger.

Andre forskningsinteresser er fattigdom, ulikhet og utvikling med spesielt fokus på det sørlige Afrika


  • Parmigiani, Davide; Nir, Aviva Bar; Ferguson-Patrick, Kate; Baruch, Alona Forkosh; Heddy, Eileen & Impedovo, Maria Antonietta [Vis alle 16 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Assessing the development of global competence in teacher education programmes: internal consistency and reliability of a set of rubrics. Higher Education Pedagogies. ISSN 2375-2696. 8(1), s. 1–30. doi: 10.1080/23752696.2023.2216190.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2022). Interactive whiteboard as support to dialogic teaching. I Parmigiani, Davide & Murray, Megan (Red.), ATEE annual conference 2022 - Teaching & Learning for an Inclusive, Interconnected World Proceedings. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789464668506. s. 227–239.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2022). Multicultural Practicum Groups as a Tool for Global Compe- tence. Internationalisation at home and abroad. I Parmigiani, Davide & Murray, Megan (Red.), ATEE annual conference 2022 - Teaching & Learning for an Inclusive, Interconnected World Proceedings. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789464668506. s. 145–160.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2020). Global teachers: The long-term effects of an international practicum. Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 2593-6409. 44, s. 62–79. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Olsen, Sissel Tove; Wikan, Gerd Nora; Klein, Jørgen & Hagen, Anikke (2019). Praksisstudier i fremmed land- bedre lærere i eget land? I Thorsen, Kirsten Elisabeth & Michelet, Simon (Red.), Teoretiske og praktiske kunnskaper i lærerkvalifisering - sammenhenger og spenninger. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215030715. s. 131–147.
  • Klein, Jørgen & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2019). Teacher education and international practice programmes: Reflections on transformative learning and global citizenship. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. ISSN 0742-051X. 79, s. 93–100. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2018.12.003.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Olsen, Sissel Tove (2018). Intervention in international practicum in the Global South . Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 2593-6409. s. 356–367. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Haug, Inger; Bugge, Liv Susanne; Løtveit, Morten & Klein, Jørgen (2017). Global bevissthet og interkulturell kompetanse hos lærerstudenter. I Løtveit, Morten (Red.), Tidssignaler: Lærerutdanningsfag i utvikling: Utdanning av lærere på Hamar - 150 år. Oplandske Bokforlag. ISSN 9788275182515. s. 219–236.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2017). Can International Practicum Foster Intercultural Competence Among Teacher Students? Journal of the European Teacher Education Network (JETEN). ISSN 1749-7213. 12(1), s. 95–104.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2016). Can international practicum develop intercultural competence among student teachers? I Kools, Quinta; Koster, Bob; Bakx, Anouke & Hennissen, Paul (Red.), Educating the best Teachers: a Challange for Teacher Education. Proceedings of the 41st annual ATEE Conference. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789082506525. s. 47–54.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2016). An investigation of student teachers’ professional development following a teaching placement in Southern Africa. I Livingston, Kay & Macfarlane, Gaele (Red.), Teacher education through partnerships and collaborative learning communities. Proceedings of the 40th annual ATEE Conference. Glasgow 2015. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789082506518. s. 22–31.
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2016). Flexible Studies as Strategy for Lifelong Learning. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET. ISSN 1303-6521. 15(4), s. 46–52.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2015). The interactive whiteboard as an artefact to support exploratory talk in primary school classrooms: a co-inquiry project between practitioners and researchers. I Leite, Laurinda (Red.), ATEE annual conference 2014 - Transitions in teacher education and Professional identities. Proceedings. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789081563987. s. 81–88.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2015). Global perspectives in teacher education: a study of international practicum. I Leite, Laurinda (Red.), ATEE annual conference 2014 - Transitions in teacher education and Professional identities. Proceedings. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789081563987. s. 27–36.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2015). What did you learn in school today? A study of learning achievements in primary schools in Namibia. Tojned: the Online Journal of New Horizons in Education. ISSN 2146-7374. 5(1), s. 139–147.
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2014). A comparison of kindergarten teacher students: On-campus/full-time versus flexible studies. I Arntzen, Eystein (Red.), Educating for the future : Proceedings of the ATEE 38th Annual Conference, Halden 2013. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 978-90-8156-397-0. s. 160–167.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2014). Interactive white boards and the classroom. I Arntzen, Eystein (Red.), Educating for the future : Proceedings of the ATEE 38th Annual Conference, Halden 2013. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 978-90-8156-397-0. s. 148–159.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Bugge, Liv Susanne (2014). Student performance in teacher education in Norway: the impact of student,institutional and structural factors. European Journal of Teacher Education. ISSN 0261-9768. 37(4), s. 442–452. doi: 10.1080/02619768.2014.912626.
  • Nes, Kari & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2013). Interactive whiteboards as artefacts to support dialogic Learning Spaces in primary schools. Seminar.net - Media, technology and lifelong learning. ISSN 1504-4831. 9(2).
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2013). How Students spend their Time and the Impact on Study Performance and Progress. I Agaoglu, Esmahan; Terzi, Cetin & Kavrayici, Ceyhun (Red.), Teacher Education Policies and Professionalisation : Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of ATEE. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789081563949. s. 110–114.
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2013). Student level factors influencing performance and study progress. Tojned: the Online Journal of New Horizons in Education. ISSN 2146-7374. 3(2), s. 30–38.
  • Mølster, Terje & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2012). Du husker bedre noe du har laget en film om : om kunnskapsproduksjon med digitale verktøy. I Engen, Thor Ola & Haug, Peder (Red.), I klasserommet : studier av skolens praksis. Abstrakt forlag. ISSN 978-82-7935-337-9. s. 120–142.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Mølster, Terje (2011). Bruk av IKT i ungdomsskolen. I Hoel, Torlaug Løkensgard; Guldal, Tale M.; Dons, Carl Fredrik; Sagberg, Sturla; Solhaug, Trond & Wæge, Kjersti (Red.), FoU i praksis 2010. Rapport fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i lærerutdanning. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. ISSN 978-82-519-2730-7. s. 509–517.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Mølster, Terje (2011). Training teachers to use ICT as an integrated part of their teaching. I Mésgáros, György & Falos, Iván (Red.), Responsibility, Challenge and Support in Teachers´ Life-long Professional Development : ATEE 2010 Annual Conference Proceedings. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789081563925. s. 318–328.
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2011). Living conditions of student teachers in Norway. I Mésgáros, György & Falos, Iván (Red.), Responsibility, Challenge and Support in Teachers´ Life-long Professional Development : ATEE 2010 Annual Conference Proceedings. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789081563925. s. 432–437.
  • Wikan, Gerd & Mostert, Louise (2011). Home environmental factors influencing performance and ptrogress of primary school pupils in Windhoek. Ghana Journal of Geography. ISSN 0855-9414. 3.
  • Wikan, Gerd & Mølster, Terje (2011). Norwegian secondary school teachers and ICT. European Journal of Teacher Education. ISSN 0261-9768. 34(2), s. 209–218. doi: 10.1080/02619768.2010.543671.
  • Wikan, Gerd; Mølster, Terje; Faugli, Bjørn & Hope, Kjetil Rafael B (2010). Enhancing subject attainment by using digital multimodal text production and peer presentation in secondary school project work. I Montané, Mireia & Salazar, Joana (Red.), ATEE 2009 Annual conference proceedings : Palma de Mallorca. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 978-90-8156-390-1. s. 467–480.
  • Wikan, Gerd; Mølster, Terje; Faugli, Bjørn & Hope, Kjetil Rafael B (2010). Digital multimodal texts and their role in project work: opportunities and dilemmas. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. ISSN 1475-939X. 19(2), s. 225–235. doi: 10.1080/1475939X.2010.491233.
  • Wikan, Gerd; Faugli, Bjørn; Mølster, Terje & Hope, Kjetil Rafael B (2010). Does MS Photo story 3 make a difference? The views and experiences of a group of Norwegian secondary school teachers. Seminar.net - Media, technology and lifelong learning. ISSN 1504-4831. 6(1), s. 136–147.
  • Hatlehol, Birte; Mølster, Terje; Wikan, Gerd; Hope, Kjetil Rafael B & Faugli, Bjørn (2010). Læring gjennom multimodal tekstskaping. I Aamodtsbakken, Bente (Red.), Læring og medvirkning. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-01780-8. s. 211–229.
  • Wikan, Gerd; Faugli, Bjørn; Mølster, Terje & Hope, Rafael (2009). ICT-supported learning processes: the potential role of ICT as a learning-enhancing-artifact for secondary school pupils, Teacher Education, Facing the Intercultural Dialouge. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Brussels, 23-27 August 2008 / N.Engels & .A.Libotton, eds. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ISSN 9789081245623. s. 325–342.
  • Wikan, Gerd & Mostert, M. Louise (2008). Reading habits and attitudes of primary school pupils in Namibia and Norway. Education as Change (EAC). ISSN 1682-3206. 12(1), s. 95–107.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Sveen, Even (2022). Stange Almenning 1822 -2022. Stange Almenning. ISBN 978-82-303-5545-9. 77 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tjitemisa, Colin; Høvik, Knut Øystein; Klein, Jørgen & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2023). Lessons Learned from Multicultural Practicums.
  • Høvik, Knut Øystein; Wikan, Gerd Nora; Klein, Jørgen & Tjitemisa, Collin (2023). Lessons Learned from Multicultural Practicums.
  • Tjitemisa, Collin; Knut Øystein, Høvik; Klein, Jørgen & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2023). Lessons Learned from Multicultural Practicums: The Namibian Student Perspective.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2023). Atee. Multicultural practicum groups . Internastionalisation at home and away.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Kichner, Emma; Alexander, Christa & Tjitemisa, Colin (2022). South-North International Student Practicum Exchange: Findings and Lessons learnt.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2022). Multicultural Practicum groups as a Tool for Global Competence. Internationalisation at home and abroad.
  • Parmigiani, Davide; Wikan, Gerd Nora; Bar, Nir; Burke, J; Claughton, A & Ferguson, P.K [Vis alle 18 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Assessomg Global Competence in Teacher Education programmes. Internal consistency and reliability of a set of rubrics.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Parmigiani, Davide; Claughton, A; Ferguson, Patrick; Forkosh, Baruch & Heddy, E [Vis alle 15 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Measuring internal consistency and reliability of a set of rubrics to assess Global Competence in Teacher Education programmes.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2022). Multicultural Practicum Groups and Internationalisation of Teacher Education.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2021). Teacher educators North South.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2021). Interactive whiteboards as support to dialogical teaching.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2019). Short-term and long-term effects of international practicum.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2019). Challenges in Norwegian Teacher Education.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2019). The Map in teaching of Geography. Seminar TRC Tsumeb; 2019-03-13 - 2019-03-13 HINN .
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Olsen, Sissel Tove; Klein, Jørgen & Hagen, Anikke (2018). GOOD MORNING, MISS, HOW ARE YOU? Praksisstudier i fremmed land - bedre lærere i eget land?
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2018). MUPIT - Multicultural practicum groups.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Olsen, Sissel Tove (2017). Intervention in international practicum in the Global South.
  • Olsen, Sissel Tove & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2017). Intervention in international practicum in global south.
  • Olsen, Sissel Tove & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2016). Kvalitetssikring av internasjonal praksis i lærerutdanningen.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2016). International Practicum - A transformative learning experience for student teachers?
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2016). Can international practicum foster intercultural competence among student teachers?
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2016). Can international practicum foster intercultural competence among student teachers.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2016). Can International Practicum Foster Intercultural Competence?
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Klein, Jørgen & Louise, Mostert (2015). Challenges in primary education in Namibia.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Klein, Jørgen & Mostert, Louise (2015). Challenges in primary education in Namibia.
  • Klein, Jørgen & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2015). Global citizenship and teacher education: transformative learning through international practicum.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2015). An investigation of student teacher's professional development following a teaching placement in Southern Africa.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Olsen, Sissel Tove & kari, bratland (2015). Intercultural Competence and Global Awareness – A Study of International Practicum/BA studie.
  • Olsen, Sissel Tove; Hagen, Anikke; Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2015). Praksis og feltstudier i Afrika - bedre lærere hjemme?
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2014). The interactive whiteboard as an artefact to support exploratory talk in primary school classrooms.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Klein, Jørgen (2014). Intercultural competence and global awareness in teacher education: a study of an international practicum.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2014). The interactive whiteboard as an artefact to support exploratory talk in primary school classrooms: a co-inquiry project between practitioners and researchers.
  • Danbolt, Anne Marit Vesteraas; Wikan, Gerd Nora & Luangala, John (2013). Empowering Women: The Case of a Master’s Programme in Teacher Education».
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2013). A comparison of Kindergarten Teacher Students: On-campus/full-time versus flexible studies.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2013). IWB and the classroom.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Bugge, Liv Susanne (2013). What can higher insitutions do to influence students' performance and progress?
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Nes, Kari (2013). IWB as an artefact to support dialogical learning space- evidence from Norwegian primary schools.
  • Olsen, Sissel Tove; Johannessen, Baard; Wikan, Gerd & Bakke, Elin (2012). Praksis i utlandet - en mulighet for internasjonalisering i lærerutdanningen?
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd Nora (2012). How students spend their time and the impact of study performance and progress.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2011). Challanges in the Norwegian Education System.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2011). Home environmental factors and how they affect learners progress and performance in Windhoek, Namibia.
  • Wikan, Gerd & Bugge, Liv Susanne (2011). How students spend their time.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2011). Education and Development.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora & Mølster, Terje (2010). Training Teachers to use ICT as an integrated part og their Teaching.
  • Bugge, Liv Susanne & Wikan, Gerd (2010). Living conditions of student teachers in Norway.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2010). Performance and progress among primary school learners in Windhoek, Namibia.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2010). Training teachers to use ICT as an integrated part of their teaching.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2010). Development cooperation - Norwegian Experiences.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2010). Current Issues in Norwegian Educational Policy.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora (2009). Digital literacy and learning.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Mølster, Terje; Hope, Rafael & Faugli, Bjørn (2009). Digital literacy and learning. An Action Research Project in a Norwegian Secondary School.
  • Mølster, Terje; Wikan, Gerd; Faugli, Bjørn & Hope, Rafael (2009). Kunnskapsproduksjon med digitale verktøy som motivasjonsfaktor.
  • Mølster, Terje; Wikan, Gerd; Faugli, Bjørn & Hope, Rafael (2009). Digital learning artifacts: Multimodal text production and its effect on learners¿ digital literacy and their comprehension of subject issues, INTED2009 Proceedings. The International Association for Technology, Education and Developmen.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2009). Enhancing subject attinment by using digital multimodul textproduction and peer presentation in secondary school project work.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2009). Enhancing subject attainment by using digital multimodul text production and peer presentation in secondary school project work.
  • Mølster, Terje; Wikan, Gerd; Faugli, Bjørn & Hope, Rafael (2009). Digital learning artifacts: Multimodal text production and its effect on learners¿ digital literacy and their comprehension of subject issues.
  • Wikan, Gerd; Faugli, Bjørn; Hope, Rafael & Mølster, Terje (2008). ICT supported learning proceses. Teacher attitudes on the potential role of ICT as a learning-enhancing-artifact for secondary school pupils.
  • Bakke, Elin; Bjørnebye, Morten; Haugan, Jens; Sommervold, Tove; Tangen, Dag Østvold & Vigmostad, Inger [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2014). Rapport. E-læringsprosjektet på LUNA. Et utviklingsprosjekt innenfor området e-læring. Studieåret 2013-2014. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
  • Wikan, Gerd Nora; Mostert, Louise & Banda, Dennis (2012). The language of education policy. Implementation,practice and learning outcomes in Zambia,Namibia and Norway. Høgskolen i Hedmark. ISSN 978-82-7671-871-3.
  • Hope, Rafael; Wikan, Gerd; Faugli, Bjørn & Mølster, Terje (2009). Digital kompetanse i ungdomsskolen : arbeidsrapport 3 Digital literacy in a Norwegian lower secondary school : work report 3. Høgskolen i Hedmark. ISSN 9788276717556.
  • Faugli, Bjørn; Hope, Rafael; Mølster, Terje & Wikan, Gerd (2008). Digital kompetanse i ungdomsskolen : arbeidsrapport 2: Ajer Digital literacy in a Norwegian lower secondary school : work report 2 Ajer. Høgskolen i Hedmark. ISSN 9788276717150.
  • Smith, Robert; carm, ellen; Nagel, Tove & Wikan, Gerd (2008). Report to Norad from an expert group on teacher education. NORAD.
  • Wikan, Gerd (2008). The role of education in the development process . Challanges in primary education in Namibia. State College of Teacher Education. ISSN 9783950237580.
  • Faugli, Bjørn; Hope, Rafael; Mølster, Terje & Wikan, Gerd (2008). Kartlegging av digital kompetanse i ungdomsskolen : arbeidsrapport 1 : Åretta A survey of digital literacy in a Norwegian lower secondary school : work report 1: Åretta. Høgskolen i Hedmark. ISSN 9788276716696.

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