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Hege Larsson Aas

Hege Larsson Aas


+47 62 51 72 46
+47 98 80 04 99

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk
Institutt for engelsk
Studiested Hamar, Rom 2C257-6

Kort om

I teach courses and supervise BA and MA theses related to English language and English language teaching – including topics such as English grammar, spoken English, spoken corpora, pragmatics, and academic writing.

In my research, I am primarily interested in spoken fluency and learner corpus research. In my ongoing PhD project, I explore spoken English interlanguage, with an emphasis on the features that may contribute to fluency (e.g. pauses and fillers) and the potential for transfer of fluency-related features between languages.

See my webpage for more information about me.


  • Aas, Hege Larsson & Rørvik, Sylvi (2022). Exploring the use of repeats in learners’ native and interlanguage production. I Leńko-Szymańska, Agnieszka & Götz, Sandra (Red.), Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpus Research. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISSN 9789027212580 . s. 299–324. doi: https:/doi.org/10.1075/scl.104.12aas.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson & Nacey, Susan Lee (2019). Methodological concerns for investigating pause behavior in spoken corpora. I Degand, Liesbeth; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle; Meurant, Laurence & Simon, Anne Catherine (Red.), Fluency and Disfluency across Languages and Language Varieties. Presses universitaires de Louvain. ISSN 978-2-87558-769-5. s. 41–64.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson & Rørvik, Sylvi (2017). Investigating individual pause profiles through the use of a comparable NL1/IL corpus. I de Haan, Pieter; De Vries, Rina & Van Vuuren, Sanne (Red.), Language, Learners and Levels: Progression and Variation.. Presses universitaires de Louvain. ISSN 978-2-87558-595-0. s. 309–332.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Aas, Hege Larsson (2023). Aspects of (dis)fluency.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson (2022). Aspects of (dis)fluency.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson (2019). Repeats in native and interlanguage speech: Exploring traces of cross-linguistic influence and individual variation .
  • Aas, Hege Larsson & Rørvik, Sylvi (2019). Repeats in native and interlanguage speech: Exploring traces of cross-linguistic influence and individual variation in fluency behavior.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson & Rørvik, Sylvi (2018). Fillers in Native and Interlanguage Speech.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson & Nacey, Susan Lee (2017). Investigating fluency variables in learner language: Methodological concerns.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson & Rørvik, Sylvi (2015). Investigating individual pause profiles through the use of a comparable NL1/IL corpus.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson (2014). Fluency and the Use of Frequent Lexical Bundles in Spoken Texts by Norwegian Non-Native Speakers of English.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson (2013). Fluency in Spoken English.
  • Aas, Hege Larsson (2013). “eh oh I think that is eh...”: I think functioning as an utterance launcher in spoken learner English.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin



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