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Thomas Frågåt

Thomas Frågåt


+47 62 59 79 90

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk
Institutt for matematikk, naturfag og kroppsøving
Studiested Hamar, Rom 2N2209

Kort om

Underviser i fysikkdidaktikk på naturfagseksjonen.

Forskningsinteresser er:

  • profesjonell kompetanseutvikling hos lærere og lærerstudenter
  • algoritmisk tenkning og programmering i naturfag






  • Andersen, Renate; Frågåt, Thomas; Bogar, Yurdagül; Juellund, Jesper & Mifsud, Louise (2023). Representations of Computational Thinking in Policy Documents in an Educational Context: The Cases of Denmark, Finland, and Norway. Proceedings (International Conference of the Learning Sciences). ISSN 1814-9316. s. 35–42.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter & Angell, Carl (2022). Providing Professional Development for Physics Teachers through Participation in a Design-Based Research Project. Nordic Studies in Science Education. ISSN 1504-4556. 18(1), s. 112–127. doi: 10.5617/nordina.8712. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline & Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm (2021). Pre-service science teachers’ and in-service physics teachers’ views on the knowledge and skills of a good teacher. Nordic Studies in Science Education. ISSN 1504-4556. 17(3), s. 277–292. doi: 10.5617/NORDINA.7644. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Bungum, Berit; Angell, Carl; Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm; Frågåt, Thomas & Bøe, Maria Vetleseter (2014). Relativity, quantum physics and philosophy in the upper secondary curriculum: Challenges, opportunities and proposed approaches. Physics Education. ISSN 0031-9120. 49(6), s. 678–684. doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/49/6/678.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Pajchel, Katarina; Mifsud, Louise; Andreasen, Kristina Johnsdatter; Ukkonen, Aino & Frågåt, Thomas (2023). Plugged and unplugged practices in the assessment processes of CT in science classrooms.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter & Angell, Carl (2023). Providing an Arena for Professional Development for Physics Teachers through Design-Based Research.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Pajchel, Katarina & Mifsud, Louise (2023). Utilizing Computational Thinking to Enhance Learning in Electricity – a Case Study.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Mifsud, Louise; Sollid, Per Øyvind; Bogar, Yurdagül & Sundtjønn, Trude (2023). A Model for Computational Thinking in School and Teacher Education.
  • Pajchel, Katarina; Frågåt, Thomas & Mifsud, Louise (2023). Assessing subject-specific Computational Thinking – a framework for formative and summative assessment.
  • Andersen, Renate; Frågåt, Thomas; Bogar, Yurdagül; Juellund, Jesper & Mifsud, Louise (2023). Representations of Computational Thinking in Policy Documents in an Educational Context: The Cases of Denmark, Finland, and Norway .
  • Pajchel, Katarina; Frågåt, Thomas; Mifsud, Louise; Ukkonen, Aino; Swensen, Håkon & Andreasen, Kristina Johnsdatter (2022). Designing CT learning opportunities in mathematics and science education .
  • Andersen, Renate; Juellund, Jesper; Mifsud, Louise; Frågåt, Thomas; Tafdrup, Oliver & Schrøder, Vibeke [Vis alle 13 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Computational thinking as a part of Danish, Finnish and Norwegian Curricula.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Sollid, Per Øyvind; Lavonen, Jari; Sundtjønn, Trude Pedersen; Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen & Schrøder, Vibeke (2022). Current state of research on computational thinking in STEAM and STEAM teacher education.
  • Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen; Andersen, Renate; Ebbesen, Kristin; Frågåt, Thomas; Juelland Jensen, Jesper & Juuti, Kalle [Vis alle 17 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). Computational Thinking: Present, past and yet to come.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter & Angell, Carl (2019). Enhancing Physics Teachers’ Professional Development Using a Design-Based Research Project.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2017). General Relativity for High School Students - A teachers’ professional development workshop introducing new materials and on-line tools for teaching Einstein’s general theory of relativity to high school students.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2017). Teaching of Einsteinian physics – Experiences from a Norwegian development and research project.
  • Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter & Frågåt, Thomas (2017). Fysikkforlystelser.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2017). General Relativity for High School Students - A teachers’ professional development workshop introducing new materials and on-line tools for teaching Einstein’s general theory of relativity to high school students.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline & Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm (2017). Who is the good physics teacher? – Views from a Norwegian perspective.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2017). Science student teachers’ and physics teachers’ views on professional knowledge.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline & Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm (2017). In-service physics teachers’ and pre-service science teachers’ view on professional competence.
  • Angell, Carl; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm; Vistnes, Arnt Inge & Bungum, Berit [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2016). Kvantefysikk.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2016). Designing and implementing a web-based teacher guide in modern physics.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2016). Investigating physics teachers’ professional development when collaborating in a research project.
  • Kersting, Magdalena; Frågåt, Thomas; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline & Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm (2016). Introduction to ReleQuant: Developing online learning resources in modern physics.
  • Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Bungum, Berit; Angell, Carl; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter; Frågåt, Thomas & Sørborg, Øystein (2016). ReleKvant: Læringsressurser i moderne fysikk på viten.no Lansering av Viten-programmet "Kvantefysikk".
  • Bungum, Berit; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Frågåt, Thomas & Kersting, Magdalena (2016). ReleKvant - læring og undervisning i kvantefysikk og relativitetsteori.
  • Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Angell, Carl; Bungum, Berit; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter; Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm & Frågåt, Thomas [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2016). ReleKvant - undervisningsopplegg om relativitetsteori og kvantefysikk.
  • Frågåt, Thomas; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline & Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm (2016). Pre-service science teachers’ views on professional knowledge.
  • Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Angell, Carl; Bungum, Berit; Bøe, Maria Vetleseter; Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm & Frågåt, Thomas (2014). ReleKvant – undervisningsopplegg om relativitetsteori og kvantefysikk.
  • Ould-Saada, Farid; Read, Alexander Lincoln; Taga, Adrian; Cameron, David; Qiang, Weizhong & Frågåt, Thomas [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2009). ARC middleware: evolution towards standards-based interoperability.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2008). På jobb for CERN. [Internett]. http://www.hardware.no/artikler/paa_jobb_for_cern/57018/2.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2008). An introduction to software testing - What is it?
  • Taga, Adrian & Frågåt, Thomas (2008). From Classic NorduGrid ARC to the next generation ARC middleware.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2008). End-to-end Grid System.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2007). Fra World Wide Web (WWW) til World Wide Grid (WWG).
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2007). Workpackage 1 - Grid foundations.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2007). New backend layer of HED.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2007). Next Generation Back-ends.
  • Frågåt, Thomas (2007). KnowARC – I forskningens og innovasjonens tjeneste.
  • Frågåt, Thomas & Ould-Saada, Farid (2007). The Next Generation Advanced Resource Connector: ARC1.
  • Ould-Saada, Farid; Frågåt, Thomas; Konstantinov, Aleksandr; Taga, Adrian & Danielsen, Kjell Martin (2006). KnowARC and Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF).
  • Ould-Saada, Farid; Frågåt, Thomas; Taga, Adrian; Konstantinov, Aleksandr & Danielsen, Kjell Martin (2006). Grid-enabled know-how sharing technology based on ARC services and open standards.
  • Ellert, Mattias & Frågåt, Thomas (2006). The KnowARC Project.
  • Taga, Adrian & Frågåt, Thomas (2008). ARC batch system back-end interface guide with support for GLUE2. NorduGrid.
  • Nordén, Markus & Frågåt, Thomas (2007). WS-Based ARC Clients. NorduGrid.

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