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Action plan for equality, diversity, and inclusion 2023-2026

The purpose of the action plan is to strengthen the practical equality work in the organization through increased knowledge and competence about equality, diversity, and inclusion. A diverse and inclusive INN University makes us stronger.

About the Action Plan

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences shall have an organisational structure, working environment and learning environment that reflects the society the institution is part of. The main objective of the action plan is to facilitate equality, promote diversity and inclusion and prevent discrimination among employees at INN University. The purpose of the action plan is to strengthen practical equality work in the organisation through increased knowledge and expertise relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Expanded concept of equality

The action plan is based on the expanded concept of equality, which incorporates all grounds for discrimination, cf. the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act. This is because prejudices and barriers can be complex and initiatives must be developed in a way that takes this complexity into account. Equality is about equal treatment, equal opportunities and equal rights for all, and requires accessibility and adaptation. The word equality has traditionally been used regarding equality between women and men, referred to as gender equality. In the action plan, the word equality covers all grounds for discrimination. Equality between genders will be referred to as gender equality.

Each year, INN University will report on the actual state of gender equality. There is no recommendation to collect or publish information about other grounds for discrimination. For this reason, we have not and will not map other grounds for discrimination in the same way as gender. In order to prevent discrimination and promote equality across these grounds for discrimination, we examine and identify risks in these areas each year. We also map the number of initiatives that have been implemented and managers’ work with the measures set out in the action plan.

Duration and scope 

In determining the focus areas of the action plan, we have used the focus areas from Horizon Europe (the EU framework programme for research) as the starting point and adjusted these to INN University’s situation, strategy and future scenarios:

  • Organisational culture, management, recruitment and career development    
  • Scientific research, teaching and artistic research
  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Systematic work on equality, diversity and inclusion.

The duration of the action plan is aligned with INN University’s strategy towards 2026 and the plan will be evaluated and revised annually by the Diversity and Equality Committee.

Main objective, milestones, and initiatives 2023-2026

The main objective of the action plan is to promote equality and diversity and prevent discrimination among employees and students. The sub-chapters address the main objectives, milestones, initiatives, and responsibilities associated with the four focus areas. In the “How to implement the initiative” column, you can find examples and inspiration for how to implement the initiative. This column will be updated throughout the action plan period and we encourage you to submit suggestions for the column to the Diversity and Equality Committee.

The initiatives in the action plan constitute an important tool for managers and employees when it comes to INN University’s work to become a diverse, equal and inclusive workplace. The action plan has deliberately been designed at a general level as there are different challenges and risks in different faculties/departments at INN University. This requires departments and faculties to start with their contextual challenges and to start local initiatives.

Legal basis

The work is anchored in the applicable legislation and agreements (Equality and Discrimination Act, Working Environment Act, University and University Colleges Act, NOR-CAM) as well as in the Government's personnel handbook and the Main Agreement, and supports INN University's strategy. The action plan has been discussed with the main employee representatives, the main working environment committee and the higher management team at INN University, and all employees have had access to the plan and have had the opportunity to provide input via INN University's intranet page. The action plan was adopted by INN University Board on 07.02.2023.


The action plan has been drawn up by the Committee for Equality and Diversity. You are welcome to contact the committee with questions and/or input via email: