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Christer Thrane

Christer Thrane


Phone number
+47 61 28 82 47

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Business Administration
Campus Lillehammer

Short description

Christer Thrane is a sociologist (Dr. polit.) from the University of Oslo, Norway. He started at Inland Norway University in 1993 and became professor in 2005. His statistical research has been at the intersection of sociology, economics, and consumer behavior. In his teaching role, he has been concerned with making quantitative research methods accessible to those not well-versed in math. This orientation has resulted in a series of editorials, textbooks, and other dissemination of statistical analysis.

Link to research on ResearchGate (in full-text)
Link to blog on
Link to profile on GitHub

Areas of expertise

Quantitative research methods and econometrics

Study programs (in Norwegian)

Research group

Link to research group in Business Analytics


Thrane, Christer (2022). Doing Statistical Analysis: A Student’s Guide to Quantitative Research. Routledge, London: UK

Thrane, Christer (2019). Applied Regression Analysis. Doing, Interpreting and Reporting. Routledge, London: UK.

Research groups


Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum