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Lars Christie

Lars Christie

Associate Professor

Phone number
+47 61 28 80 19
Mobile number
+47 99 79 22 55

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Law
Campus Lillehammer

Short description


Ph.D., Oslo University, 2016.

Master’s Degree, Columbia University, 2005.


Lars Christie’s main area of research is moral philosophy, with particular focus on ethics of war and individual self-defense. More generally, he is interested in distributive justice, punishment and desert. He is currently part of the research project Red Lines and Grey Zones: Exploring the Ethics of Humanitarian Negotiation 

Prior to joining the faculty at Inland University, Christie was a research fellow at Oxford Institute of Ethics and Armed Conflict and European University Institute as part of the ERC project “Individualisation of war”.  In addition to his academic experience, Christie has served as a diplomat in Islamabad and in Jerusalem and as a Policy Director at the Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs.


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Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum