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European and Global Studies (EUGLOB)

The research group for European and Global Studies is multidisciplinary and focuses on international developments, in practice and in theory, from economic, political, historical, psychosocial and legal perspectives.

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Academic discipline:
Politics and society
Photo: Colourbox

Photo: Colourbox

We examine the role of states and private actors, informal and formal organizations, as well as the relationship between these actors. Among the core international organization studied are the United Nations, The World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other regional development banks, the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The research group also study the implications of globalization and Europeanization on national states, such as the interaction and overlap between domestic and international affairs, differentiated economic and political integration, the EEA Agreement, the impact on the welfare state, Norway's position as a small state in international relations, and  its role as a major global energy producer.

The aim of the research group is to be a platform for interaction between researchers engaging in the above-mentioned issues, by arranging seminars and workshops were research can be presented, discussed and furthered developed. The research group and its members also participate in national and international conferences and research projects, teach courses, interact with private and public decision makers, and disseminates our research to the public.

More about the research group

Current projects