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Lillian Gran

Lillian Gran

Associate Professor

Phone number
+47 62 51 72 83

Department of Education
Campus Elverum

Short description

Short description

Lillian Gran is associate professor of Eucation and has reserached both learning, digital Bildung, digital learning and assesment for learning among others. She works at Department of Education.She is an associate professor and researches also on assessment in higher education, assessment in subject and vocational training, digital education and educational digital competence.

She works with education development and quality within Higher Education and contributes to ensuring continuous competence development of university  employees in collaboration with faculties and the HR department.

She has taught using ICT since 1997 when she completed general teacher training in Elverum. Further she has many years of experience as a primary school teacher, primary school principal, teacher in primary school teacher training at Inland University College and extensive experience with competence development of municipalities, counties and private organizations both for Sell and Sepu.

In recent years, she has been particularly involved in the topic of digital education, privacy issues, assessment for learning in higher education, feedback and digital assessment.

Work tasks 

  • Promote educational use of ICT and exploration of the use of digital tools in teaching, learning and assessment to develop new, relevant and innovative forms of teaching

  • Develop and implementation Phd courses and competence guiadance 

  • Development and implementation of professional research and development courses

  • Development of courses and measures using microsoft 365 software like power apps and teams. 

  • Development and implementation of academic writing courses.

  • Development and implemntation of assessment for learning courses, feeback courses 

  • Administratively responsible for the education quality award

  • Externally funded work and cooperation with Fafo on assignment for Udir within vocational and vocational training

  • Collaboration with Sell and Sepu and skills enhancement in subject areas such as Educational digital competence

  • Collaboration with other faculties at Hinn regarding the implementation of conferences such as the ICDE conference in collaboration with Sell

  • Educational management

  • Project leader in Erasmus plus project with the name Atollo Project which just launched it`s webpage.

Primary areas of expertise

  • Pedagogical use of digital tools in teaching
  • Development of podcasts, video and other media in teaching

  • Online pedagogy

  • Hybrid teaching and learning

  • Competence development in university and college Education

  •  Change, development and dialogue work within skills developmet

  • Cooperative learning

  • Educational digital competence

  • Connective learning


Masters degree in Education from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University) at Lillehammer. 

Doctoral degree from BUK, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University).

Extensive experience from primary school and higher education.

Disputed for the doctorate at Hinn 30.9.2020 recorded


Lillian Gran i Cristin 

Gran, L. & B. H. Gloppen (2023). Prøvenemnderstolkningsfellesskap og vurderingav fag- og svenneprøven. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 107(2): 166-178. 

Gran, L. (2022). A conceptualization of digital bullying: a study on teacher´and pupils´perceptions of digital bullying, in : Kergel,D. Paulsen, M. Garsdal J., & Heidkamp-Kergel, B. (2022). Bildung in the digital age: exploring bildung through digial media in education (1st ed.) 

Jenssen, M.F., Nordahl S.Ø & Gran, L. (2022) Utvikling av undervisning i profesjonelle læringsfellesskap. I Nordahl, & Gustavsen. (2022). Forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i barnehage og skole - tilnærmingsmåter ved Senter for praksisrettet utdanningsforskning. Høgskolen i Innlandet.

Engh, R., & Gran, L. (2021). Vurdering for læring i skolen : på vei mot en bærekraftig og demokratisk vurderingskultur (2. utgave.). Cappelen Damm akademisk.

Gran, L. (2020). Digital dannelse: en kvalitativ studie av digitalisering og identitetsarbeid i skolen. Doktorgrad .Høgskolen i Innlandet.

Gran, L., Petterson, D., & Mølstad, C. E. (2019). Digital Bildung: Norwegian Students’ Understandingof Teaching and Learning with ICT. Nordic journal of digital literacy14(1-2), 23–36. 

Gran, L. (2019). Digital Bildung from a teacher´s perspective. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy5(2), 104–113.

Gran, L. (2016). Sammenhengen mellom dannelse og kompetanse - elevens metakognitive læringsprosess. Læring Og Medier9(15).

Hartberg, E. W., Dobson, S., & Gran, L. (2012). Feedback i skolen (p. 158). Gyldendal akademisk. Under revidering

For full CV, se LinkedIn-profil.


No ongoing projects


Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum