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Lorentz Petter Stavrum

Lorentz Petter Stavrum

Associate Professor Emeritus

Phone number
+47 61 28 80 53

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Campus Lillehammer

Short description




Born 1949, lawyer from University of Oslo 1975



Artillery officer, deputy police master, public prosecutor, judge, Supreme court advocate, lecturer, legal aid projects in India, Aserbadsjan, Uganda, Nepal, Guatemala and Bangla Desh, observer for OSCE in Albania and Georgia and for EU in Egypt, Palestine, Tanzania and Pakistan, councellor for Afghan lawyers and mentor for judges at the Appeals court in Kabul, responsible for Ministry of Justice' training course for jurists in international service, conducted human rights cases before international courts, public defender before national courts, member of the Bar association's committee for criminal law, member of the legal educational board for human rights law and public international law studies, member of the Ministry of foreign affairs' delegation to the human right dialogue project to China, president of the Norwegian Humanist Association and the Nansen Peace and Dialogue Center, chairman of Control Commission for coercive psychiatric treatment, lectured different legal topics - mainly in the fields of public international law, human rights law, constitutional law  and EU law, published articles and books on different legal subjects.

Fields of research:  

Different topics of health law, criminal law and human rights law.


Present status:

Retired, guest lecturer



Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum