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Legal Development

The research group gathers researchers interested in developments in law and jurisprudence nationally and internationally, as well as developments in methodological and theoretical approaches to legal research.

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Academic discipline:
Politics and society

This broad focus enables a platform for fruitful discussion and exchange of ideas for legal scholars at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences working in various fields, including (in alphabetical order) administrative law, biotechnology, bioethics, comparative law, contract law, constitutional law, dispute resolution, health law,  human rights, intellectual property law, international law, labour law, law of obligations, legal history, legal theory and philosophy, privacy and data protection, private international law, tax law, etc. The group also welcomes researchers working at the interface of law and other disciplines.

What we research

Broadly defined as actual and desirable changes in legal regulation, legal development serves as the meeting point for researchers with diverse interests, research agendas, theoretical and methodological perspectives. The main objective of the research group is to create a productive environment of cooperation and exchange of ideas.

More about the research group

Thematic priorities

In the academic year 2021-2022, the group focused on research methods and research tools, including legal dogmatics, comparative methodology, empirical methodology, legal economics, and legal history. Other focus areas of the research group were recent developments in case law in Norway, important decisions from international courts, the interaction between national and international law, and the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration for legal research.

In the academic year 2022-2023, the group assisted in advancing individual and collaborative projects of its members and continued to explore topics of research methods and theoretical perspectives for tracing legal developments. Members of the research group published with Brill, Gyldendal, Intersentia, Fagforlaget, Oxford University Press, Springer, Universitetsforlaget and in Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Ratio Juris, Human Rights Review, New Bioethics, Capital Markets Law Journal, and European Yearbook of International Economic Law. The organised events welcomed scholars from the University of Oslo, University of Bergen, Queen’s University, University of Windsor, FGV Sao Paulo Law School, University of Victoria, University of Ljubljana, Aarhus University, Radboud University, Maastricht University, etc.

In the academic year 2023-2024, the group continues to advance individual and collaborative projects projecting various perspectives on legal development.


The group encourages and supports individual and collaborative research projects for its members and creates a platform for constructive criticism. Members of the research group are actively applying to the Research Council of Norway.

They work on individual and joint projects, including in the fields of Norwegian constitutional law in light of European and international law, research methods in contract law, Nordic contract law tradition, the expanding role of central banks in financial markets in times of crisis, understanding of Norwegian lawyers about relationships between national law and EEA law, labour law, and social welfare law (in cooperation with Norwegian Labour and Wealthfare Administration), etc.

Lillehammer workshop: International investment contracts

The Lillehammer workshop will take place at INN University 6th December 2024. 


  • 30 March 2024 – deadline for submitting abstracts, up to 300 words
  • 1 April 2024 – confirmation
  • 30 August 2024 – submission of the first extended draft of 3000-4000 words
  • Publication: Selected contributions will be considered for a special issue.

Read more at the workshops wegpage.

Academic programmes and courses

The research group supports teaching and development of legal courses that are taught at the Faculty. The group arranges guest lectures for students and contributes to updating courses and incorporating research-based perspectives in the teaching of law at the Faculty.

Conferences and events

The group organises reading groups, seminars with internal and external participants, workshops, and conferences. Many events are open to scholars from other disciplines at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, academics from other universities and practitioners.


During its establishment, the group actively collaborated with the PluriCourts – Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order and continues to collaborate with the scholars from the University of Oslo after the centre came to a closure, including in the framework of the Research Group on International Law. Members of the group hold close ties with researchers from other universities in Norway and abroad and are involved in the work of the International Law Association, ISDS Academic Forum, International Health Committee, The International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), etc.