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Critical realism - Interdisciplinarity, Sustainability, Education and Social Science

The research group Critical Realism - Interdisciplinarity, Sustainability, Education and Social Science (CRISES) supports research that deals with the complex problems of the world.

Faculty of Education
Academic discipline:
Upbringing and education
picture of the sustainable development goals
Photo: colourbox

The research group uses a version of interdisciplinarity based on Critical Realism. It is interested in education, sustainability, wellbeing and social justice. CRISES is funded by the Roy Bhaskar memorial fund.

What we research

The main research areas for the research group are:

  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Education
  • Sustainability
  • Philosophy
  • Social justice

More about the research group

Research Projects

  • Philosophy that underpins interdisciplinarity
  • Comparison of philosophers Quine and Bhaskar
  • Comparison of the philosophers Steiner and Bhaskar
  • Bhaskar's critical realism as postpragmatism
  • Metapedagogy: Creativity and innovation in education
  • The role of pedagogy in agential empowerment within social structures
  • Tranformative learning
  • Climate Change Education


Get in touch

Leigh Price ( or Eirin Annamo (