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People and organisation

The aim of the group is to gather researchers at INN University who are interested in the human aspects of organizations and working life.

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Academic discipline:
Economy, management, and innovation

We will be a community for researchers at INN University who are interested in Human Resource Management (HRM) and in the organization and management of people, in the broadest sense and the many areas of knowledge that can be linked to this.

What we research

The research field is organizations in change with a particular focus on the human factors, e.g. competence, which is considered the most important preconditions for innovation and change in organisations.

More about the research group

The research group will contribute to the development and implementation of new R&D projects. Research projects can be developed by parts of the R&D group, or in the form of larger projects where all members of the group can contribute and participate.

An important activity for the research group will be to produce relevant teaching material. The subject area is undergoing strong development in a Scandinavian context, and there is clear room for producing more dedicated teaching aids within the subject area for different levels of education. A first task in this regard will be to produce a basic textbook that reflects the contemporary status and knowledge base for the various practices and theories that make up and relate to HR activities.



Bergum, S.; Peters, P.; Vold, A.T. (2023): Virtual Management and the New Normal: New Perspectives on HRM and Leadership since the COVID-19 Pandemic. Palgrave Macmillan 2023 (ISBN 9783031068126) 451 s.,

The following chapters have authors from INN University:

Bergum, S.; Vold, A.D.; Peters, P. Introduction, s. 1-14.

Pedersen, T.H.; Bergum, S. Three Organizational Perspectives on the Adoption of Telework, s. 17-37. 

Skogseth, M.A.; Bergum, S. How Working Remotely for an Indefinite Period Affects Resilient Trust Between Manager and Employee, s. 79-98.

Bergum, S.; Haukåsen, O.A. Changes in Learning Tensions Among Geographically Distributed HR Advisors During the COVID-19 Pandemic. s. 161-180.

Haave, H.M.; Vold, A.D.; Kaloudis, A. Onboarding and Socialization Under COVID-19 Crisis: A Knowledge Management Perspective, s. 223-242.

Bergum, S.; Peters, P.; Vold, A.D. Epilogue: The Future of Work and How to Organize and Manage It, s. 405-434.

den Brinker, S.; Kooij, D.; van Engen, M.; Peters, P.; van der Klink, J.
How fathers’ values matter for work–family decisions and partner support: a capability approach. Community, Work and Family 2023 s. 1-21

Bergum, S.  Ny forskning om hjemmekontor og fjernarbeid: Nye ledermuligheter etter pandemien, intervju med ukeavisen Dagens Perspektiv, utgitt 3. mars 2023.


Peters, P.; Bergum, S.; Vold, A.D. Van telewerken naar duurzaam hybride werken: Implicaties voor HRM en leiderschap. Tijdschrift voor management en organisatie 2022 ;Volum 76.(5/6) s. 131-151

Conferences and events

Book launch: Virtual Management and the New Normal: New Perspectives on HRM and Leadership since the COVID-19 Pandemic.