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Special education

The research group ‘Special education: Inclusion, participation and marginalisation’ aims to develop new and original knowledge that promotes equal participation for people who are at risk of marginalisation both in an educational context, and in society.

Faculty of Education
Academic discipline:
Upbringing and education

This involves producing research that seeks to improve the living, upbringing and learning conditions for children, adolescents and adults who are defined with special needs or in other ways risk being excluded due to existing norms in society.   

What we research

The research group emphasises intersectionality and based on the terms inclusion, participation and marginalisation the group works on a variety of topics and issues related to a broad spectrum of groups in risk of discrimination such as disability, minority language, indigenous peoples, gender, sexuality and more.   

More about the research group

The group also has an interdisciplinary focus where we aim to contribute in the development of knowledge on both a national as well as an international level within disciplines such as pedagogy, psychology, social work and more.