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Studies in profession, learning and politics (SPLP)

Faculty of Education
Academic discipline:
Upbringing and education

The research group Studies in Profession, Learning, and Policy (SPLP) is interested in questions related to teacher education, learning processes, and educational policy.

SPLP organizes monthly meetings within the research group where members present draft articles, give introductions on scientific topics, and present research projects that they are part of. SPLP also provides a constructive platform for the group's doctoral candidates to ensure their progress. SPLP members actively participate in applying for research funding.

Over the years, the research group has contributed to strengthening educational research at the University College of Innlandet. This has been achieved by increasing internal research collaboration within the group and by strengthening cooperation with other research groups and researchers at the university, both nationally and internationally.

What we research

Professional education

Learning processes

Educational policy (national and international)

More about the research group

Current research projects that the members are participating in.


Examples of recent publications from research group members:

Faldet, A-C. og Roth, S. I. (2022). Posisjonering som en 'løvemamma': Å være mor til barn med vedtak om spesialundervisning i overganger mellom utdanningsinstitusjoner. Spesialpedagogikk. ISSN 0332-8457.

Mølstad, C. E. (2023). The Return to Bildung in the Shape of Learning Outcomes.I Trifonas, Peter Pericles & Jagger, Susan (Red.), Handbook of Curriculum Theory and Research. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-82976-6.

Lennert Da Silva, A.L. (2021). Comparing teacher autonomy in different models of educational governance. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy ISSN 2002-0317.

Mishra, D., Lugo, R. G., Parish, K. og Tilden, S. (2023). Metacognitive processes involved in human robot interaction in the school learning environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). ISSN 0302-9743.

Klausen, S. W. (2022). Digitale ferdigheter i skolens grunnlagsdokumenter. I Letnes, Mari-Ann & Røkenes, Fredrik Mørk (Red.), Digital teknologi for læring og undervisning i skolen. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215053974. s. 32–56.

Vigmostad, I. (2023). Jeg svarte mest ja. Barns stemmer i pedagogisk forskning. Paideia - Tidsskrift for professionel pædagogisk praksis. ISSN 1904-9633. 

Brendløkken, T. og Langaas, Y. (2020). Nytilsatte og nyutdannede læreres erfaringer i videregående skole. Bedre Skole. ISSN 0802-183X.

SPLP in media:

Dagsavisen: Vi trenger kunnskap om samisk språk og kultur 

Samenes nasjonaldag: Vi trenger kunnskap om samisk språk og kultur – Dagsavisen 

Aftenposten: Timeout? Ignorering? Vi tror kunnskapsministeren har bedre ønsker for barn i barnehage: 

Timeout? Ignorering? Vi tror kunnskapsministeren har bedre ønsker for barn i barnehage. ( Fyrer løs mot «De utrolige årene»: – Jeg tror ikke voksne hadde akseptert å bli behandlet på en sånn måte: 

Fyrer løs mot «De utrolige årene»: – Jeg tror ikke voksne hadde akseptert å bli behandlet på en sånn måte ( 

Lærerliv: Podcast om pedagogikk under press: 

#04. Pedagogikken under press - Lærerliv | Acast 

BERA Blog: Teaching professionalism in Norway and Brazil: Why combine concepts and compare countries?: 

Teaching professionalism in Norway and Brazil: Why combine concepts and compare countries? | BERA 

BERA Blog: National curriculum policy in Norway and Brazil:  

National curriculum policy in Norway and Brazil | BERA Nei, vi kan ikke la være å diskutere kvalitet i skolen fordi noen lærere føler seg tråkket på tærne. Krisen kommer til å endre skolen:  

– Krisen kommer til å endre skolen ( 

Klassekampen: Lobbet seg inn i læreplaner: 

Lobbet seg inn i læreplaner | Klassekampen 

Klassekampen: Utdatert undervisning?: 

Utdatert undervisning? | Klassekampen Skal forske på rasisme i lærerutdanningen: 

Skal forske på rasisme i lærerutdanningen - Høgskolen i Innlandet 

Nettavisen: På høy tid å forske på rase og rasisme i lærerutdanningen: 

Skal forske på rasisme i lærerutdanningen - Høgskolen i Innlandet 

Hamar Arbeiderblad: Lærerstudenter vil ha mer seksualundervisning i utdanningen sin: 

Lærerstudenter vil ha mer seksualundervisning i utdanningen sin ( 

Spillpedagogene: Podcast om digitale ferdigheter: 

Spillpedagogene: En podcast om spill og digital kultur: Intervjuspesial: Digitale ferdigheter m/ Siri Wieberg Klausen on Apple Podcasts 



In 2020 two of the research group members, Ana Lucia Lennert da Silva og Christina Elde Mølstad, won the The Annual Curriculum Journal Editors’ Choice Award. 

Lennert da Silva og Elde Mølstad won the award for the following article: 

Teacher autonomy and teacher agency: A comparative study in Brazilian and Norwegian lower secondary education (Curriculum Journal, 31[1]: 115–131). 

Read more about the award:  

Curriculum Journal announces Editors’ Choice Awards for 2020 | BERA 

Conferences and events

The research groups Studies in Profession, Learning, and Policy (SPLP) and Multicultural Diversity in Education have been organizing a research conference on Sámi perspectives in teaching and education since 2021. The conference is named Urfolkskonferansen (Indigenous Conference). The conference is part of the Faculty of Teacher Education and Pedagogy's efforts at the University College of Innlandet to strengthen Sámi perspectives in their teacher education programs.

Read more about the conference here:

Urfolkskonferansen 2023 - Høgskolen i Innlandet 

Urfolkskonferanse 2022 - Høgskolen i Innlandet 

Samisk språkuke 2021 - Høgskolen i Innlandet 

Contact the research group

Associate Professor Ann-Cathrin Faldet co-leads the research group alongside Professor Christina Niemi Mølstad. Faldet has extensive experience as a leader and researcher. She has a network of colleagues in Europe and Japan who work on relevant research projects aligned with the goals of the University College of Innlandet (HINN), including the use of technology in education and inclusive teaching. Her research interests lie in children and youth with challenging behavior, learning barriers, and her theoretical framework is rooted in sociocultural theory.

Professor Christina Niemi Mølstad co-leads the research group with Ann-Cathrin Faldet. Mølstad has broad experience as a leader, serving as a department head, research group leader, and leader of research projects. Mølstad's research focuses on both indirect and direct governance of education.