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NextMYCO - Valorization of spent substrate from mushrooms cultivated in Innlandet

Project goal

The primary objective is to develop a novel approach for enhancing agriculture sustainability in Innlandet by cultivating edible mushrooms on substrates based on local crop residues and upgrading the generated spent mushroom substrate (SMS) as a source of bioactive compounds, a substrate for fermentative processes, and a resource for supporting food production without using mineral fertilizers.

About the project

The project is coordinated by Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Husbonden AS and Bjerke Gård are cooperating partners.

Project activities

NextMYCO is implemented in four workpackages (WP):

WP 1 – Mushroom production

Evaluation of the mushroom production characteristics using different fungal strains cultivated on substrates based on plant biomass from Innlandet.

  • Suitability of local plant residues as substrates for mushroom cultivation
  • Susceptibility of fungal strains to grow and fructify on non-standard substrates

WP 2 – Bioactive properties

Investigation of bioactive properties of SMS from different cultivation conditions. 

  • Effect of the substrate source and fungal strain on the content of bioactive compounds in SMS
  • Green extraction of bioactive compounds

WP 3 – Saccharification

Enzymatic saccharification of spent mushroom substrates to produce biofuels and biomaterials

  • Enzymatic susceptibility of SMS cellulose
  • Effect of extraction on enzymatic saccharification

WP 4 – Agriculture

Assessment of agricultural uses of SMS and SMS bioactive extracts

  • SMS as biofertilizer and soil amendment in pot trials
  • SMS as biofertilizer and soil amendment in field trials
  • SMS potential as animal feed

Project potential for innovation 

The project will provide pilot results on the suitability of SMS as raw material for next-generation mycoderivatives. By aiming SMS bioactive compounds, which have so far been underestimated, our project goes beyond the state-of-the-art. Bjerke Gård and Husbonden will apply the results of the qualification project in their production cycles. Other actors within Innlandet’s agricultural sector will also be able to use the results.


  1. Klausen et al. Evaluation of the extraction of bioactive compounds and the saccharification of cellulose as a route for the valorization of spent mushroom substrate. Molecules 28(13), 5140, 2023;
  2. Martín, C. et al. Mushrooms for enhanced agriculture sustainability the MUSA concept. C3-Bioeconomy 4, 131-146, 2023;
  3. Martín, C. et al. Spent substrate from mushroom cultivation: exploitation potential toward various applications and value-added productsBioengineered 14(1), 2252138, 2023;
  4. Martín, C.  Project 341800 (NextMYCO – Developing valorisation alternatives for spent substrate from mushrooms cultivated in Innlandet). Final report.


Head of research project


Academic disciplines

Nature, biology and environment