Norwegian version of this page

Water Matters

Water matters is a awareness project to increase knowledge on the importance of the Good Water status at the Greek Islands.

Project goal

Water Matters is a 2023-2024 campaign that initially informs students, local communities, and visitors on the islands of Santorini, Ios, Leros, Kalymnos, Pserimos and Telendos. The overall goal is to raise public awareness for good water status, through involvement and participation.

About the project

This project is implemented in Greece, by the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research.

Eastern Norway Research Institute at Inland Norway University of applied sciences  (ENRI) is partner in this project, funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway Grants).

From a social science perspective, the water crisis is becoming one of the biggest issues globally.

Therefor the Norwegian Water Matters team is delighted to support our Greek partners  in their important job og increasing knowledge and awareness on good water status at the Greek Islands of  Santorini, Ios, Leros, Kalymnos, Pserimos and Telendos.

Summarized in short: as a partner we will provide a case study on the historical management of water bodies and exploitations in the Lom-Sjåk Mountain valley in Inland Norway. The other approach is a policy study of the Norwegian regulations on water resources.

The Norwegian deliverables in the framework of Water Matters:

  • Interviews and information collection about Norwegian water status
  • Production of short video material to this website, illustrating water management practices as they have been developed in the mountain communities of Lom and Skjåk from 1700 and onwards. This case is chosen because of its innovative practices throughout history. 
  • Guided hike for the Greek partners along the historical waterway followed by a workshop focussing on Norwegian and Greek water management policy and unravelling comparative issues relating to water management issues.
  • Participation in Greek islands’ campaigns organized by Hellenic Center for Marine Research. Here the focus will be on finding comparative approaches to overcome water scarcity throughout history to contemporary situation.
  • Participation in online webinars describing good water management practices.

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About water in Norway

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About us

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About the Greek campaign

Read about the Greek campaign

Read about the Norwegian recommendations to the Greek campaign

Case study Lom and Sjåk

Read about Case study Lom

Read about the Water Matters field trip to the water ways

Academic disciplines

Politics and society