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Kristin Vold Lexander

Kristin Vold Lexander



Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk
Institutt for nordisk språk og litteratur
Studiested Hamar

Kort om

Kristin Vold Lexander er prosjektleder for “Digital interaction and multilingualism at work and in school – the case of Lithuanians in rural Eastern Norway”, DigiMulti (2020-2024), et Unge forskertalenter-prosjekt finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd. Hun har en PhD-grad i lingvistikk fra Universitetet i Oslo der hun studerte unge senegaleseres tekstmeldinger i et literacy practices perspektiv (2011). Transnasjonale familiers digitale språklige praksiser var tema for postdoktor-prosjektet hun gjennomførte ved MultiLing Senter for flerspråklighet (2017-2020). Lexander har publisert i en rekke tidsskrifter og antologier med en etnografisk sosiolingvistisk tilnærming til flerspråklighet i digital kommunikasjon. Hun er særlig opptatt av norsk som andrespråk, fransk og wolof, og andre språk som brukes i Senegal, hvordan relasjoner og identiteter konstrueres når vi samhandler og hvordan uformell språklæring foregår digitalt, både i familien og på arbeidsplassen. 


Boka Multilingual Families in a Digital Age, kom ut i mai 2023 - skrevet i samarbeid med Jannis Androutsopoulos 

Ny artikkel i NOA Tidsskrift for andrespråk - om språklege praksiser blant litauiske arbeidsinnvandrarar i digital kommunikasjon på arbeidsplassen



  • Tanskanen, Sanna-Kaisa; Lehti, Lotta; Lexander, Kristin Vold; Virtanen, Mikko & Xie, Chaoqun (2024). Exploring intentionality, identity, and interpersonal interaction on the Internet, Explorations in Internet Pragmatics. Intentionality, identity, and interpersonal interaction. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 9789004694422. s. 1–17.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2024). Relational work in digital employer-employee interaction at the multilingual workplace, Explorations in Internet Pragmatics. Intentionality, identity, and interpersonal interaction. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 9789004694422. s. 271–291.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Thyness, Hilde (2024). Innovative methods in collaborative research: mediagrams in the study of digital multilingual workplace communication and home-school interaction. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (JMMD). ISSN 0143-4632. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2024.2334745.
  • Goncalves, Kellie & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2024). Tensions of place and opposing emblems of authenticity and marginal gentrification in Grünerløkka, Oslo. Language & Communication. ISSN 0271-5309. 96, s. 67–80. doi: 10.1016/j.langcom.2024.03.001.
  • Goncalves, Kellie & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2023). Permanent or temporary homes? Investigating the discourses of lifestyle migration, lifestyle mobilities and multilingualism within a Norwegian context. AILA Review. ISSN 1461-0213. 36(2), s. 299–320. doi: 10.1075/aila.00057.gon.
  • Thyness, Hilde & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2023). Indexing the ‘included’ migrant? Social categorization and interpersonal digital interaction between labor migrants, teachers and employers in Norway. Language & Communication. ISSN 0271-5309. 88, s. 27–40. doi: 10.1016/j.langcom.2022.10.003.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Watson, Rachel (2022). Things You Cannot Do in Norway: Multilingual Transnational Action and Interaction in Digital Communication. Nordic Journal of African Studies. ISSN 1235-4481. 31(1), s. 45–71. doi: 10.53228/njas.v31i1.539. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2021). Polymedia and family multilingualism. Linguistic repertoires and relationships in digitally mediated interaction. Pragmatics and Society. ISSN 1878-9714. 12(5), s. 782–804. doi: 10.1075/ps.20052.lex. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Androutsopoulos, Jannis & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2021). Digital polycentricity and diasporic connectivity: A Norwegian-Senegalese case study. Journal of Sociolinguistics. ISSN 1360-6441. s. 1–17. doi: 10.1111/josl.12518. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2020). Literacies in contact when writing Wolof – translanguaging and orthographic repertoires in digital communication . Written Language & Literacy. ISSN 1387-6732. 23(2), s. 194–213. doi: 10.1075/wll.00040.lex. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold; Goncalves, Kellie & De Korne, Haley (2020). Multilingual literacy practices – Global perspectives on visuality, materiality and creativity. International Journal of Multilingualism. ISSN 1479-0718. 17(3), s. 271–285. doi: 10.1080/14790718.2020.1766049.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2020). Norsk som digitalt samhandlingsspråk i fire familier med innvandrerbakgrunn – identitet og investering. Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning. ISSN 0809-9227. 1, s. 4–21. doi: 10.18261/issn.2535-3381-2020-01-01. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2020). African languages in information and communication technology. I Vossen, Rainer & Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of African Languages. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780199609895. s. 949–957. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199609895.013.41.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Androutsopoulos, Ioannis (2019). Working with mediagrams: a methodology for collaborative research on mediational repertoires in multilingual families. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (JMMD). ISSN 0143-4632. 42(1), s. 1–18. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2019.1667363. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lanza, Elizabeth & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2019). Family Language Practices in Multilingual Transcultural Families. I Montanari, Simona & Quay, Suzanne (Red.), Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Multilingualism: The Fundamentals. De Gruyter Mouton. ISSN 978-1-5015-0798-4. s. 229–252. doi: 10.1515/9781501507984-011.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2018). Peut-on parler de forme canonique pour le SMS sénégalais? . I Bornand, Sandra & Derive, Jean (Red.), Les canons du discours et la langue. Parler juste.. Karthala. ISSN 978-2-8111-2510-3. s. 309–328.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2018). Nuancing the Jaxase: Young and Urban Texting in Senegal. I Røyneland, Unn & Cutler, Cecilia (Red.), Multilingual Youth Practices in Computer Mediated Communication. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 978-1107-09173-3. s. 68–86. doi: 10.1017/9781316135570.005.
  • Deumert, Ana & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2013). Texting Africa: Writing as performance. Journal of Sociolinguistics. ISSN 1360-6441. 17(4), s. 522–546. doi: 10.1111/josl.12043.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2011). Analyzing multilingual texting in Senegal - an approach for the study of mixed language SMS. I Sebba, Mark; Mahootian, Shahrzad & Jonsson, Carla (Red.), Language Mixing and Code-Switching in Writing.Approaches to Mixed-Language Written Discourse. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-87946-0. s. 146–169.
  • Brodal, Ingvild Kogstad & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2011). Représentations linguistiques et choix de langues des étudiants de Dakar : quelles correspondances entre l'oral et l'écrit dans le domaine informel ? I Lexander, Kristin Vold; Lyche, Chantal & Knutsen, Anne Moseng (Red.), Pluralité des langues, pluralité des cultures : regards sur l’Afrique et au-delà. Mélanges offerts à Ingse Skattum à l’occasion de son 70ème anniversaire. Novus Forlag. ISSN 978-82-7099-602-5. s. 227–237.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2011). Texting and African language literacy. New Media & Society. ISSN 1461-4448. 13(3), s. 427–443. doi: 10.1177/1461444810393905.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2010). Le wolof et la communication personnelle médiatisée par Internet à Dakar. Glottopol. ISSN 1769-7425. 14, s. 90–103.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2009). La communication médiatisée par les technologies de l'information et de la communication: la porte d'accès au domaine de l'écrit pour les langues africaines? I Brock-Utne, Birgit & Skattum, Ingse (Red.), Languages and Education in Africa: a comparative and transdisciplinary analysis. Symposium Books. ISSN 978-1-873927-17-5. s. 289–299.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2009). Pratiques de l'écrit liées aux NTIC - le cas des étudiants de Dakar. I Pierozak, Isabelle & Eloy, Jean-Michel (Red.), Intervenir: appliquer, s'impliquer?. L'Harmattan. ISSN 978-2-296-08576-3. s. 181-–187.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tanskanen, Sanna-Kaisa; Lehti, Lotta; Lexander, Kristin Vold; Virtanen, Mikko & Xie, Chaoqun (2024). Explorations in Internet Pragmatics. Intentionality, identity, and interpersonal interaction. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN 9789004694422. 23.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Androutsopoulos, Jannis (2023). Multilingual Families in a Digital Age: Mediational Repertoires and Transnational Practices. Routledge. ISBN 9781032130248. 252 s.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold; Lyche, Chantal & Knutsen, Anne Moseng (2011). Pluralité des langues, pluralité des cultures : regards sur l’Afrique et au-delà. Mélanges offerts à Ingse Skattum à l’occasion de son 70ème anniversaire. Novus Forlag. ISBN 978-82-7099-602-5. 343 s.
  • Gerbault, Jeannine & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2008). "Langues et SMS au Sénégal. Le cas des étudiants de Dakar" in Gerbault, Jeannine (ed.) 2007: La langue du cyberespace: de la diversité aux normes. Paris, l'Harmattan: 59-67. L'Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-296-04622-1. 300 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Eek, Marianne; Thyness, Hilde & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2024). Språklæring og språkpraksiser utenfor klasserommet for voksne nyankomne - Språklig integrasjon og medborgerskap.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2024). Collaborative approaches in the study of multilingual digital interaction.
  • Said, Fatma & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2024). Introduction: learning, re-learning, and un-learning language(s) in the multilingual family during COVID-19 lockdown. Multilingua - Journal of Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Communiciation. ISSN 0167-8507. 43(2), s. 151–161. doi: 10.1515/multi-2023-0194.
  • Lanza, Elizabeth; Judith, Purkarthofer; Lexander, Kristin Vold; Objoska, Maria & Gomes, Rafael Lomeu (2023). Family matters - Northern and Southern perspectives.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2023). Mediagrams in the study of digital workplace interaction, home-school communication, and inclusion.
  • Mwanza, David Sani; Lexander, Kristin Vold & Danbolt, Anne Marit Vesteraas (2023). Collaboration in Digital Times: Blended mobility in PhD education. A case from a partnership between the University of Zambia and Inn University, Norway .
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2023). Digital Wilds at Work.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2023). Norsk som andrespråk i digital kommunikasjon på arbeidsplassen.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2022). African languages in local, global, and transnational digital literacy practices.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2022). Practices of inclusion in digital communication at the multilingual workplace.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2022). Norsk som andrespråk i digital kommunikasjon på arbeidsplassen.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2022). “Doing family” online: Multilingual, multimodal, mediated practices.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2022). Multilingual texting in Senegalese contexts. Negotiating voices and relationships. .
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2021). Heritage language use in digital family interaction: Parents’ ideologies and children’s agency.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2021). Rural Norway in flux– multilingualism in Lithuanian labour migrants’ digital interaction with employers and colleagues.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Thyness, Hilde (2021). ‘It’s good to send SMS because then they can use google translate’, or how to avoid indexing exclusion in mediated migrant-host community interaction.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2020). Echanges numériques plurilingues en milieu rural norvégien – pratiques d’inclusion ? .
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2020). Digital interaction and relationship negotiation at the rural workplace.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2020). Digital kommunikasjon og språk på arbeidsplassen.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2019). 'Gangstere i hjertet' - politisk hiphop i Senegal. Mellom Tidsskrift for omsett litteratur. ISSN 2387-4880. 1, s. 58–70.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2019). Snapchat, Facebook og WhatsApp hjelper familier med innvandrerbakgrunn å utvikle flerspråkligheten. [Radio]. NRK Radio Språkteigen.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2019). Digital kommunikasjon. [Radio]. NRK Radio Språkteigen.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2019). Polymedia in practice: Family multilingualism in digitally mediated interaction.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2019). Jeux de langage et jeux de média dans le cadre familial plurilingue.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Androutsopoulos, Jannis (2019). Turning ethnographic data to mediagrams: a method for the study of language and media choices among Norwegian-Senegalese families.
  • Goncalves, Kellie; Lanza, Elizabeth & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2018). From migrant grocery store to Espresso House: understanding urban change in the conspicuous cultural consumption of Grünerløkka Oslo, Norway .
  • Androutsopoulos, Jannis & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2018). Modalities of language and media choice: transnational communicative repertoires of Senegalese families in Norway.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Androutsopoulos, Jannis (2018). Linguistic repertoires and polymedia affordances in Senegalese families in Norway.
  • Goncalves, Kellie; Lanza, Elizabeth & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2018). From Antlers to Esspresso House: X-scape and escape to Scandinavia's trendiest neighborhood.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2017). Indexicalités à l'oral et à l'écrit - exemples sociolinguistiques.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2017). Social media networks and linguistic repertoires in Norwegian-Senegalese families.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold & Alcón-López, Daniel (2017). Le plurilinguisme sur les forums et ses effets sur la société sénégalaise. Orients. s. 109–119.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2007). Pratiques de l’écrit liées aux nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication - le cas des étudiants de Dakar.
  • Svendsen, Bente Ailin; Ryen, Else & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2015). Ta tempen på språket! Norges forskningsråd. ISSN 978-82-12-03397-9.
  • Svendsen, Bente Ailin; Lexander, Kristin Vold & Ryen, Else (2014). Ta tempen på språket! Rapport Forskningskampanjen 2014. Forskningsrådet.
  • Lexander, Kristin Vold (2011). Pratiques plurilingues de l’écrit électronique: alternances codiques et choix de langue dans les SMS, les courriels et les conversations de la messagerie instantanée des étudiants de Dakar, Sénégal. Nauka.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin



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