Student participation

Good quality assurance work builds on good collaboration with the university’s students.

Active students are a prerequisite for good quality assurance work (Photo: INN University)
Active students are a prerequisite for good quality assurance work (Photo: INN University)

Through the Students’ Union and the student representatives, students play a key role in the quality assurance work that takes place at all levels, and particularly through the quality assurance work conducted in programmes of study.

The university organises the training of representatives and actively works so that the student community is well represented on boards and committees.

Various meetings are held where students, staff and management can discuss the quality of education.


All students are expected to participate in all evaluations of their education, both course evaluations, programme of study evaluations and learning environment evaluations. Furthermore, all students are expected to answer the Start of Studies Survey, The Student Survey, as well as candidate surveys and SINN’s Shot survey about students’ health when these are periodically sent out to students.

Evaluation schemes

Students elected as class representatives 

Students elected as class representatives must participate in the quality assurance work on their programme of study committee, and at faculty level according to agreement with the faculty dean, and when the faculty’s quality assurance reports are available.

Students elected as class representatives must attend the Student Union’s student council meetings at their campus. 

Election of class representatives

Students’ Union (StInn) 

StInn is an independent student organisation that acts as mouthpiece for the students at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences in relation to the university, the Student Welfare Organisation, host municipalities and other relevant actors. Therefore, StInn can be compared to a form of trade union for the students.

All students who have paid the semester fee are members of StInn. The Union also has many elected representatives.

The Students’ Union and the Section for Student Services collaborate on the content, implementation, and evaluation of courses for class representatives at the start of a new semester. The programme of study coordinators follow up the class representatives that sit on the programme of study committees.

The Students’ Union ensures that representatives are elected to the university’s various other councils and committees. Students who wish to get involved in student politics can do so through StInn and receive support from them.

Read more at the For students pages.

Other representatives/ StInn representatives/ Student representatives 

Student representatives also participate in the quality assurance work through representation on the Education Committee, the Learning Environment Committee, campus committees (local learning environment committees), faculty councils and the University Board. Appointment of representatives to the university’s councils and committees is made by the Students’ Union (StInn) in the autumn and in the spring, respectively.

For representatives 

Councils and committees with student representation 

Institutional level:

Faculty/campus level:

Programme of study level:


Students in an auditorium watching a lecture (Photo: INN)

"Speak up" about the learning environment

We want a safe and engaging learning environment, and need help with continuous improvement. The ‘Speak up’ scheme is a way to be heard when the mainstream channels do not work.